Chapter 16

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Next Morning.

We got up and started to get ready. I had brought extra clothes. We headed downstairs and said goodmorning to everyone.

Myta: there's breakfast on the table
Y/N: omg! Is that bacon?
Jordan: you don't like bacon?
Y/N: who doesnt?
Myta: why are there blankets and pillow in the backyard?
Reese: i couldn't sleep last night so Y/N took me to the backyard to look at the stars and I fell asleep

We ate breakfast and talked for a while.

Josh: so have you told the boys?
Zach: not yet
Y/N: we're probably gonna do it today
Zach: I'll text the boys
Y/N: we're having a gathering at my house.
Zach: i think we should go so we can have everything set up
Y/N: Ohh yeah. Thank you for yesterday and breakfast
Myta: anytime. You're always welcome here.
Zach: well see you guys later. Bye
Reese: bye Zach bye Y/N
Y/N: bye Reese

On our way home, we stopped by to get Chinese food and we got 2 custom made banners that have baby Herron #1 and baby Besson#2.

Almost 2 hours later.

We had finally arrived. I went to go look for the boys to help bring the food in.

Jonah: Whats in the boxes?
Y/N: don't worry about it
Jack: i want to know
Zach: you'll find out in a bit
Daniel: Y/N, you look different. Did you get a haircut?
Y/N: no, I'll just bring the boxes in.

We set a table out in the backyard along with the food. I pulled Jordan, Corbyn, Zach and Ashley to help me put the banners up in the living room. The boys were in the pool. The girls were tanning.

Corbyn: so how are you guys gonna tell the boys?
Y/N: with these banners. I'm going to ask if they want to do a movie night and when they're on the way to the movie theatre downstairs they gonna see it
Zach: and that's when we surprise them
Ashley: wow. Not bad idea.
Jordan: alright then. Let's do this.

I had to make sure none of the boys came in. When we were done, we headed back outside.

Jonah: What took you guys so long.
Corbyn: we had a sibling problem
Y/N: but it's all fixed now
Jack: then why was Zach there
Zach: because Im part of the family now
Daniel: just because you're dating Y/N doesn't mean you're part of the family now
Zach: yes it does
Y/N: no arguing, now let's eat!

1 hour later.

We had finish eating, so far no one has entered the house. After a while of talking, I asked them if they want to have a movie night.

Y/N: we should have a movie night
Jonah: I'm down
Jack: same
Daniel: When and where?
Zach: here and since we're all together why not now
Corbyn: alright let's go

We let the boys go first and right away they noticed the banners.

Jack: Baby Herron #1?
Daniel: Baby Besson #2?
Jonah: you tested positive?!
Jack: congrats to you both
Jonah: Im happy for you guys
Daniel: i better be a godfather of one of them
Jack: no Im going to a godfather to both of them
Corbyn: Im the blood uncle so I get to be the godfather
Y/N: me and Zach have plenty of time to figure who's gonna be the godfather
Ashley: alright let's go have a movie night

We headed downstairs and had a movie night. After what felt like hours, the boys had left. We had finally decided to call it a day and went to sleep.

Next week.

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