Chapter 20

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Next Morning.

I can't believe I'm holding my babies in my arm. I have everything I want right here. I have my amazing boyfriend and my two beautiful daughters.

A few minutes later.

Ashley, Syd, Isla and Ava came in the room. At this pint I was already laying down and Zach went to go get food.

Ashley: how do you feel about being a new mom?
Y/N: it feel amazing
Ava: can i hold one?
Y/N: of course
Syd: can i hold the other one?
Y/N: go head
*Zach comes in*
Zach: hey girls
*they all said hi*
Y/N: finally the food is here
Zach: hello to you too
Y/N: Im sorry
*you guys kissed*
Isla: thev're so cute. What's their name?
Zach: Ava is holding Rose Marie and Syd is holding Angela
Isla: welcome to world, Rose Marie and Angela

A few minutes later.

I noticed that Zach had a sad but also worried
expression on his face. I know for a fact somethings right.

Y/N: Zach, are you okay?
Zach: uhm yeah everything's fine
Y/N: are you sure?
Zach: yeah what makes you think the opposite?
Y/N: by the look on your face
Zach: Im just worried about when I'm going on tour who's gonna help you.
Y/N: when are your going?
Zach: we leave next month
Ava: Syd and I can stay over and help out
Ashley: and I love to be with you guys
Y/N: see you have nothing to worry about and plus our families are here
Zach: alright then
*you guys kissed*

A couple of hours later.

The doctors finally gave us the release papers. I'm finally going home with my babies. Zach and Ashley went to get the baby seats.

1 hour later.

We had finally arrived at house. Everyone was here. There was a welcome home banner.

Y/N: aww you guys didn't have to
Ashley: we wanted to welcome the babies to the world
Zach: well then please welcome Rose Marie and Angela Herron Besson
Y/N: girls, these are your aunties and uncles and
Syd: you're both are going to be loved by a lot of

Everyone sat down on the couch while I was cuddled up with Zach.

Corbyn: Y/N/N, you both look tired
Myta: i think you guys should go rest
Ava: yeah we'll take care of the babies
Y/N: you guys are sure
Ashley: I'll make sure they're in their cribs
Zach: alright then Goodnight everyone
Y/N: Goodnight everyone and my beautiful baby girls

3 years later.

Today's my 3rd year anniversary with Zach and these past 3 years have been amazing. Right now, we're getting ready to go out. Apparently Zach has a surprise for me at the end of our day. Ashley, Syd and Ava are going to take care of the babies while we're on our date. We had our babies baptized our babies 2 years ago and we made Ashley and Corbyn the god parents of
Angela and we made Syd and Jonah the god parents of Rose Marie.

After a few minutes.

Zach: alright you ready?
Y/N: Im Ready
Zach: you look beautiful
Y/N: aww thank you. So where are we going that you said to dress casual but be comfortable too?
Zach: well we gonna go to the LA County Fair and then I have my surprise
Y/N: i hate surprises. Can't you just tell me the
Zach: no because it won't be a surprise
Y/N: ugh fine

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