Chapter 7

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A few weeks later.

We had arrived at Paris. The boys have a week off and today is the day of the date with Zach. I was about to get ready when I heard a knock on the door. I went to go check who it was. No one was there. I was about to close the door when I saw a roses with sunflowers on the ground. I set them down by the bed. I saw a card and I read it. "I know roses and sunflowers are your favorite so I bought these for a beautiful girl. See you in a few, Y/N" I was about to go shower, when I heard my phone ringing. I saw that it was Zach.

Zach's POV:
I woke up early to go to the flower shop. I wanted to buy flowers for Y/N. I know her favorite flowers are roses and sunflowers. So I got a dozen of each and went back to hotel. I placed the flowers at the door and knock and went to my room. I waited for 5 minutes to call her.

5 minutes later.

Y/N: hey, Zach.
Zach: hey, beautiful!
Y/N: thank you for the flowers
Zach: how did you know they're from me?
Y/N: you're the only one that calls me beautiful
Zach: did you like them?
Y/N: i loved them
Zach: that's good.
Y/N: i got to go
Zach: be ready by 5
Y/N: bye Zach

I ended the call. I got ready for my date with
Y/N. I'm going to ask her out today.

A couple hours later.

I went to Y/N's room and I knocked on the door. I saw Y/N standing there in front of me and I just wanted to kiss her. She was so beautiful and perfect.

Zach: Ohh sorry. Im just admiring you. So you're so beautiful Y/N
Y/N: thank you and you look handsome
*you both smiled*
Zach: you ready?
Y/N: of course.

A few hours later.

I took Y/N to a fancy restaurant. We talked and laughed and got to know a few more things about each other.

Your POV:
Having Zach in front of me made me feel like I have butterflies in my stomach. I just want to call him mine already. He's so fine. He took me to a fancy restaurant but I told him not to take me to one.

Zach: so how do you think I'm doing so far?
Y/N: on what?
Zach: on this date
Y/N: well I did say no fancy restaurant but I'm having the best time of my life with you.
Zach: i know but i really want to take you here
Y/N: thank you for this night. I really appreciated it
Zach: you're welcome and thank you for saying yes so you ready for our last stop?
Y/N: let's go.

Zach and I walked to the Eiffel Tower. When we arrived Zach was holding my hand. We got to the top and we were watching the view that was in front of us.

Zach's POV:
It's time to ask her out. I hope she says yes. I want her to be mine already. We were watching the view when I decided to speak.

Zach: hey Y/N, can we talk?
Y/N: sure
Zach: look i haven't stop thinking about you since the day we meet and I want -
Y/N: what are you trying to say?
Zach: Y/N Besson, would you be mine?
Y/N: Zachary Dean Herron. I would love to be yours!
Zach: really?
*zach lifts you up and spins you around and puts you down*
Zach: finally I can call you mine
*you leaned in and kissed him*

Your POV:
I can't believe he just asked me out. I'm so happy I wanted to be his for so long. I need to tell Ashley tomorrow. I rested my head on his shoulder and enjoyed the view.

1 hour later.

We went back to the hotel. I told Zach goodnight and gave him a goodnight kiss. When I walked in the room I heard someone in my bathroom. I texted Corbyn.

Y/N: Corbyn, are you in my room?
Corbyn: no, why?
Y/N: there's someone in my room.
Corbyn: maybe it's one of the boys
Y/N: i doubt it
Corbyn: do you want me to come over?
Y/N: no i got this
Corbyn: be careful
Y/N: they're coming out.
Corbyn: tell me what happens

I heard them opening the door. When they turned around I saw that it was Ashley.

Y/N: ASHLEYYYY! What are you doing here?
Ashley: it was kinda getting lonely at home
Y/N: does Corbyn know your here?
Ashley: well...
*Corbyn walks in*
Corbyn: i planned it out
Ashley: WE planned it out
Y/N: how long have you been waiting?
Ashley: not long
Corbyn: just about 3 hours maybe more
Y/N: you could have told me
Ashley: then it wouldn't be a surprise if I told and plus you had your date with Zach. So tell me how did it go?
Y/N: do you guys really want to know?
Corbyn: he didn't do it? I knew he was gonna-
Y/N: he asked me out
Ashley: OMG! How did he do it?

I told Ashley and Corbyn how my date with Zach went and they were happy about us being a thing. I feel like Corbyn doesn't really approve of it and I get it because if something goes wrong he's going have to see Zach all the time and same goes with me. Corbyn and Zach are like brothers and we'll me and Corbyn are related, so I'll always see him. Anyways after talking to both Corbyn and Ashley for an hour or two, Corbyn had to go to his room and sleep since he has an interview. Which sucks since he has a week off and still doing interviews.

Y/N: Ash, do you think Corbyn is okay with me and Zach?
Ashley: Im not sure. I think he just wants you to be happy and if Zach makes you happy then he's happy.
Y/N: you're right maybe I'm overthinking. So are you gonna sleep here or you have your own room?
Ashley: Im gonna sleep here since you have two beds and I won't get to spend my money
Y/N: wow. Anyways want to watch a movie?
Ashley: sure

Ashley picked a movie to watch while I went to change into comfortable clothes and take off my makeup.

Next Morning.

Since Zach and the boys are going to an interview today, me and Ashley are going to explore Paris and maybe do a photo shoot and go shopping.

Y/N: Ash, i was thinking of dropping out of school and travel. There's just so much to see and you know traveling is on our to-do list.
Ashley: I dropped out of school the day after you left.
Y/N: so you won't be mad if I drop out?
Ashley: if you think it's a good idea go for it.
Y/N: you know what else is on our list.
Ashley: omg! Okay hurry let's go get one.

We went to a tattoo shop and got a small heart on our ring finger.

Ashley: now we can check off MATCHING TATTOOS on the list
Y/N: so whats next?


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