Chapter 4

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Zach's POV:

Next Morning.

Everyone woke up early to start decorating the house. I saw Y/N talking to Ashley. When I was passing by her she smiled and waved at me. I did the same. I went to go find Corbyn but I saw him with Daniel and Jonah.

Zach: hey guys.
All: whats up bro?
Zach: i need to talk to y'all
Corbyn: about what?
Jonah: let me guess it's about
AIl: Y/N!
Zach: lower your voice she's right there
Corbyn: so what about my sister
Zach: i talked to her yesterday by the pool and I'm catching feelings for her. I don't know what to do
Daniel: take her on a date
Zach: Im already planning a date with her in Paris
Corbyn: she needs to know how you feel about her. I've seen the way she looks at you and you look at her.
Daniel: why Don't you do a pre-date?
Jonah: do a late night walk at the beach or
Corbyn: a star sighting. She's always wanted to do those when she was little
Zach: I'll do that tonight before the party ends

Your POV:
I woke everyone up early to decorate the house. I had to talk to Ashley about last night with Zach. I saw that Ashley was by herself in the balcony.

Y/N: hey Ash.
Ashley: whats up?
Y/N: nothing i just need to talk to you real quick
Ashley: about?
Y/N: Zach
Ashley: don't tell me you gain feelings for him
Y/N: that's the thing. I'm not sure if Im gaining feelings for him
Ashley: how do you feel when you're around him?
Y/N: it honestly feels like it's just me and him and no one else. Everytime Im around him I feel butterflies in my stomach. I just can't seem to get him out of my mind. What should I do?
Ashley: go talk to him and tell him how you feel
*you saw Zach walk by and you smiled and waved at him and he did the same*
Ashley: look at that
Y/N: look at what?
Ashley: I saw the way you looked at him and waved at him. I'm your twin I've been by your side all my life. I know when you like someone by the way you wave and smile at them and that right there was love. Go talk to him.
Y/N: i will

After a few hours later.

The boys families and friends came along with my parents and Jordan. The boys introduced Ashley and I to their families and friends until Corbyn told me and Ashley to met him in my room.

Corbyn: hey Sisters. Can y'all met me in Y/N's room? I'll be there in a sec
Both: for what?
Corbyn: i got something for you
Both: okay
*You and Ashley went into your room and waited for Corbyn to come*
Ashley: so have you talked to Zach?
Y/N: no not yet
Ashley: you need to do it soon
Y/N: i will after Corbyn is done

Corbyn's POV:
Today's the day Ashley and Y/N is gonna meet
Christina. My parents and Jordan already met her a few months ago, when we had a concert in New York I told them to meet me in Y/N room.

Corbyn: Im sorry i took too long
Y/N: I was about to leave and enjoy the party
Ashley: why you in a rush?
Y/N: I dont want the guest to be alone
*you and Corbyn gave each other a look and look back at Ashley*
Ashley: can you just tell us what we're doing here?
Corbyn: i told you guys to meet me here because I would like you to meet...
*Christina walks in*
Corbyn: my girlfriend
Christina: hi, I'm Christina
Both: Omg! It's about time.
Christina: so you're Y/N *points at you* and you're Ashley *points at her*
Y/N: yeah. I didn't think you can tell us apart
Christina: Corbyn made me study who's who before I meet y'all
Ashley: why will that be?
Corbyn: growing up I've noticed that if someone mistakes you from each other than y'all end up hating them
Christina: and I don't want you girls to hate me.
Ashley: we can never hate you. I've meet you a few minutes and I consider you more like a sister than Y/N
Y/N: aye. That's messed up but same here

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