Chapter 9

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2 days later.

Today is Zach and I's 4th month anniversary and we went out to celebrate. We went out for breakfast early just the two of us and we went out for shopping until we had to go to the venue to get ready for the show.

Zach: hey after the show, want to go get dinner and have a movie night
Y/N: just the two of us?
Zach: you want the rest to enjoy
Y/N: ive spent so much time with Ash and you've have spend so much time with the boys so I think me and you deserve a night alone
Zach: then it's just gonna be me and you
Y/N: can't wait
*you both kissed*
Y/N: bye
Zach: bye

Zach's POV:
I have a surprise for Y/N later at the beach. Ashley and the boys helped me set up a little romantic dinner. Today's show started early so that means that the show ends early. I texted Ashley early in the morning when me and Y/N were eating breakfast.

Zach: hey Ashley, are you busy?
Ashley: I iust woke up
Zach: Good. I need your help.
Ashley: on what?
Zach: i need you to go to the jewelry store and buy a necklace or a ring or both and then see if they can get it engraved with her name
Ashley: aww that's so cute
Zach: when you have it, place it on my bed please
Ashley: of course and I already know what she wants
Zach: thank you

Ashley's POV:
When Zach told me to go to the jewelry store, I knew immediately know what to get her. She's been wanting to get this set that comes with earrings, a necklace and a ring. I got all the supplies for their date at the beach.

Your POV:
We finally finished the show and I went to go pack up my equipment that was at the green room. You were on your way to the green room when you heard a voice.

?: where you going, beautiful?
*you turned around and saw Zach behind you*
Y/N: you scared me!
*you hit him softly on the shoulder*
Zach: i didnt mean to scare you
*he puts his hands on your waist*
Y/N: sure you didn't
*you guys kissed*
Zach: i am and Im going to make it up to you
Y/N: you are? With what?
Zach: with dinner
Y/N: we'll see about that
Zach: you ready to go?
*you nod and grabbed his hand*

I gave my equipment to Ashley and headed out.

30 minutes later.

We were walking a lot to what felt like hours. I noticed that we were at the beach.

Y/N: why are we at the Beach?
Zach: well the first time I told you how I felt we were at the beach so I thought why not go to the beach and have a small little walk
Y/N: aww that's so cute.
*you kissed Zach*
Zach: but that's not all. At the end of this walk there's a surprise
Y/N: but I thought you said we're getting dinner
Zach: we are but for now let's enjoy the walk
Y/N: okay

A few minutes later.

Zach and I were talking and getting to know more and more about each and let me tell there was so much I didn't know about him. We stopped walking for a while.

Zach: Imma need you to close your eyes
Y/N: why?
Zach: just do it
Y/N: tell me why
Zach: you'll see soon but right now I need you to close your eyes
Y/N: you better not do something stupid
Zach: i won't
*you close your eyes and hold his hand*
Zach: already just trust me and no peeking
Y/N: okay i trust you and I won't peek
Zach: alright just a few more steps...alright on the count of 3 you open your eyes
Y/N: okay
Zach: 1...2...3 open them
Y/N: baby, this is amazing. Thank you.
Zach: Happy 4th month anniversary, princess.
Y/N: happy 4th month anniversary, love.

Wow. I never thought Zach would do all this. It's so beautiful. God I really love this man.

Zach's POV:
I've been nervous for this moment. I was honestly scared that the boys might do something wrong. I want this to go perfect. I feel like imma propose to her. We got closer to the location. Before we left the venue, Ashley showed me what she got at the jewelry. I saw she got a ring. I got the ring and told her to put everything in my bag. We finally got to the location and I told her to close her eyes.

Zach: alright just a few more steps...alright on a count of 3
*you open your eyes*
Y/N: okay
Zach: 1...2...3 open them
Y/N: baby, this is amazing. Thank you.
Zach: Happy 4th month anniversary, princess.
Y/N: happy 4th month anniversary, love.

We went to go sit down. We saw Ashley and the boys walking towards us.

Ashley: good afternoon. My name is Ashley and these will be your servants for the night.
Corbyn: she's also your servant
Ashley: uhm no I won't. Today we have...
Jack: lasagna
Ashley: and also...
Corbyn: pizza
Ashley: to drink we have...
Jonah: grape juice but let's pretend it's wine since this was last minute
Ashely: and for desert we have...
Daniel: ice cream and
Ashely: chocolate covered strawberries
Y/N: omg! Thank you guys.
Zach: thank you for helping me
All: anytime. Happy 4th month anniversary
Both: thank you.
Ashley: now we would leave. If you need anything just text me

They left us and now it's just me and Y/N at the beach. We began to eat. I honestly don't know why the got lasagna and pizza but it's fine. I'm just glad we get this time alone.

A few hours later.

We were about to leave when I remember I had a ring with me. I went to on her side of the table.

Zach: before we leave I want to give you something.
Y/N: uhmm...okay what is it?
*you see him getting on his knee*
Y/N: Zach-
Zach: before you say anything.this isn't me proposing. This ring *shows you the ring* is a promise ring. From this day on I want to promise you that no matter what happens I will always be there for you-
Y/N: Zach-
Zach: let me finish. I won't leave you alone Anything that happens I want to be there and I won't give up on. All I'm trying to say is that-
*you both stand up and kissed each other and Zach slips in the ring*
Zach: When did you get that tattoo?
Y/N: When we were in Paris
Zach: it looks good
Y/N: thanks i got it with Ash. It's in our to-do list
Zach: you could have told me. I could have gotten a tattoo with you
Y/N: maybe next time
Zach: alright, you ready?
Y/N: yeah. Thank you for dinner.

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