Chapter 5

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Our flight number was called. The boys said goodbye to the limelights. I bought Starbucks and snacks for the boys and myself. I gave Corbyn his drink and snack last so I can talk to him.

Y/N: and here's your drink
Corbyn: thanks
Y/N: can i talk to you for a sec?
Corbyn: of course, sis. What's up?
Y/N: i really like Zach but Im having second doubts now
Corbyn: whys that? Did he hurt you?
Y/N: some limelights said that me and him should date and he said he doesn't know if he should and before we left he told me how he felt towards me and now I don't know if it was a lie
Corbyn: look Y/N, i know that you don't let yourself be loved by a guy. So I think you should talk to him and let him explain why he said that.
Y/N: i Don't know but I'll think about it

Corbyn and I took our seat. Corbyn, Daniel and
Jonah sat behind me, Zach and Jack. Zach sat next to me. I was siting at the window. Corbyn texted me.

Corbyn: talk to him and let him explain why he said that.
Y/N: i don't know I'Il wait until we land to talk to him
Corbyn: you got to do it now!

Zach POV:
I saw that Y/N was sad. Since we left the airport. I was about to talk to her when Corbyn texted me

Corbyn: talk to her and ask her what's wrong.
Zach: i was about to talk to her.
Corbyn: I'll be listening to you
Zach: okay

I put my phone away and I started to talk to

Zach: hey Y/N.
Y/N: hi
Zach: is everything okay?
Y/N: everything is fine

Your POV:
I told Zach everything was fine and I felt someone kicked my seat. When I looked at Corbyn, he gave me a serious look. I rolled my eyes at him.

Y/N: you know what. Not everything is fine.
Zach: whats wrong?
Y/N: i heard you talk to the limelights and when one of them said we should date you said-
Zach: i don't know
Y/N: yeah
Zach: and now you think I lied to you at the beach.
Everything I told you at the beach was true. I do have feelings for you and if you don't believe me then I'll wait until you trust me.
Y/N: i just need time
Zach: and I'll wait

After I talked to Zach, I was relieved that everything he told me was true. I put on my earphones on and listened to music on our way there. I was about to close my eyes when I felt someone hold my hand. I looked at Zach and he pulled his hand away but I ended up holding his hand. I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder and slept.

A few hours later.

I felt someone spilled water on me. When I opened my eyes, I saw Corbyn laughing.

Corbyn: Goodmorning, sleepyhead.
Y/N: CORBYN! Just watch your back!
Corbyn: by the way, we've arrived.
Y/N: you could have shaken me or tap me not spill water on me
Corbyn: well I mean you do need to shower
*you rolled your eyes and got down and headed to your hotel room to get ready*

A few minutes later.

We arrived at the hotel. They boys were sharing a room and I had a room to myself. We got to our room and rested a little to ready for the first show.

30 minutes later.

I woke up to someone knocking. I walked to the door and I saw Daniel.

Y/N: hey Daniel.
Daniel: hey
Y/N: what are you doing in my room?
Daniel: Im here to tell you that me and the boys wanted to go eat, so do you want to join us?
Y/N: sure let me change
Daniel: we leave in 10 minutes so hurry because Im hungry
Y/N: i won't take long
Daniel: that's what every girl says
*you closed the door on him*

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