Chapter 21 (Finale)

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We got home late. After we ate. We just drove around to waste time before we head to bed. I went to go tell Ashley we got home but the door was locked and that can mean only one thing. I went to the girls bedroom to tuck them in and gave them a goodnight kiss. Zach was singing a song to them.

A few minutes later.

Zach came in the room. I was about to change into comfy clothes until I felt his hands on my waist and putting small kisses on my neck.

Y/N: you know that's my weak spot
Zach: I know that's why I'm doing it
Y/N: Can i ask why?
Zach: let's make another baby
Y/N: you want another baby?
*he pushes you on the bed *
Zach: yes but this time let's make a baby boy
Y/N: you know we can't pick the gender
Zach: well then if we don't have one, we can try and try again and again
Y/N: less talking more action

1 month later.

Zach and I have been doing it for the past month. Today I woke up feeling nauseous. I could tell that Ashley was feeling nauseous as well. We both ended up running to the bathroom and let it out. We looked at each other and realized we might be pregnant.

Ashley: you might have a 3rd child
Y/N: you might have your first child
*you both screamed and Zach and Alex comes in running*
Alex: what happened?
Zach: why you guys scream?
Both: we might be pregnant
Alex: me and you are going to have our first child together?
Zach: 3rd baby on the way?
Ashley: yes but this time we're gonna be pregnant together
Y/N: but first we got to make sure
Ashley: we're gonna go buy the pregnancy test

After a while, we got the pregnancy test and headed to the bathroom to do it. We did the test at the same time. At this point we were just waiting for the results. We waited and waited until it was time. We had it upside down.

Zach: on the count to 3 you flip it
Ashley: okay.
Alex: 1
Y/N: 2
All: 3
*Ashley and you flipped the test*
Zach: are you serious?
Y/N: Im serious
Ashley: we're gonna be pregnant buddies
Alex: Im so happy!
Y/N: girls, you're gonna have a new cousin and a baby brother or sister
Ashley: we got to tell everyone
Zach: I'Il tell them to come over
Y/N: well tell our parents another time so for now let's just tell the boys and the girls

A few hours later.

Right when we texted everyone to come. Ashley and Alex went to the store and got a cake. On the cake it said "2 babies are on their way". Everyone came and made them sit on the couch.

Corbyn: why did you guys call us over?
Jonah: I have something to do
Jack: i was in the middle of a nap
Zach: we have something to tell you all
Y/N: but we Don't know how y'all going to react
*you set the cake in front of them*
Syd: Twins again?
Ava: i thought you can only get twins once
*Ashley walks in*
Ashley: actually imma be carrying the second baby
Isla: you're going to be a mom?
Alex: yeah she is.
Corbyn: my two sisters are going to be a mom. One with 3 and the other one with her first.
Jonah: congrats to y'all
Jack: couldn't be more proud of my bestfriends

They all congratulated us and we put the cake in the fridge since they wanted to go out and celebrate. We didn't go to a really fancy restaurant.

2 days later.

Ashley and I had a doctors appointment to see if everything is going good. We ask for a picture of the ultrasound. After the appointment, we headed to my parent's house.

Y/N: hey mom.
Saskia: Ohh hey guys, what are you all doing here?
Ashley: where's dad?
Saskia: he's in the kitchen
Ray: hey girls. What's up?
Zach: we need to talk to you
Alex: you might want to sit down for this
* you handed them an envelope*
Saskia: whats this?
Y/N: open it and find out
Ray: it's an ultrasound?
Saskia: you're pregnant again?
Zach: third time's a charm
Ray: congrats! Wow another baby.
Saskia: so happy for both of you.
Ashley: and that's not all
Ray: what you mean?
*Alex gave them a box*
Alex: this is a gift from me and Ashley
*they open it up*
Saskia: omg! Are you serious?
Ray: it's real? My two babies are pregnant!
Ashley: surprise

We did a group hug and hanged out for a bit before we go to Zach's family.

A couple hours later.

We headed over to Zach's parent's house. When we got there we started talking for a while. Reese was playing with the girls. After a few hours, we were about to "leave" until we had to tell them.

Zach: uhm before we leave, we have to tell you guys something.
*they had a worried face on them*
Y/N: it's nothing bad. We need to tell you that there's gonna be a change.
Myta: what do you mean?
Zach: we're no longer gonna be a family of 4
Y/N: but instead a family of 5
Josh: you guys are having a baby
Myta: how long?
Y/N: about 3 days
Reese: yess!
Ryan: congrats bro!
Zach: thanks bro
Myta: this is exciting news
Josh: a new member of the family coming soon.
*we hugged*

1 month later.

Today's our wedding day. We're getting ready to head over to church. After a while, we got to the church. Ashley was trying to calm me down since I was really nervous.

Y/N: what if he walks out? What if we ain't ready for this next step?
Ashley: nothing is going to happen. You shouldn't be stressing right it's gonna affect the baby and no one is ready for the next step but honestly you guys skipped the marriage step. You guys went from dating to having 2 kids and one on the way and now you're getting married
Y/N: you're right. I shouldn't stress about it.
*Ray walks in*
Ray: you look beautiful baby
Y/N: thanks dad
Ray: you ready?
Ashley: she's ready
Y/N: Let's do this

My daughters and Reese were the flower girl. They were the first to go. Then it was Ashley, Ava, Syd, and Christina. Now it was my turn to walk down the aisle.

30 minutes Later.

Priest: Zachary Dean Herron, do you accept Y/N
Besson as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?
Zach:I do
Priest: Y/N Besson, do you accept Zachary Dean
Herron as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?
Y/N: ido
Priest: with that being said you May now kiss the bride
*you guys kissed and everyone applause*

A few years later.

It's been 4 years since we got married. Our daughters are now 7 years old and our baby boy, which we name Aiden Herron, is soon to be 4 years. Ashley got married a year ago. She's now a mother of 2 boys. They're 2 years apart. They're names are Elija and Mathew Guzman. Zach and I moved out a month after we got married. We aint that far from Ashley. We're like 10 minutes away from her. Zach is right now playing with Aiden and I'm baking cookies with Rose and Angela.

A few hours later.

We headed over to Ashley's place. We talked and had dinner. After dinner, we headed down to the beach. Ashley and I didn't go in the water since we were tanning. Zach and Alex took the kids in the water.

Ashley: they act like little kids sometimes
Y/N: that's what we like about them
Ashley: Im glad that we're both married and we kids
Y/N: me too.


who I should do next? Who should be
added? Give me some ideas for a title.

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