Chapter 17

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Next Morning.

We got ready to go to a Whale-Watching Cruise for breakfast. After that we are going to Paradise Cove Luau. We were on our way to our first location. After a while we had finally arrived at our destination. Its a two hour cruise.

2 hours later.

We had so much fun. We had some extra time to spend before the Luau beginnings. So we headed to the hotel to change and get ready to go shopping. I was waiting for Ashley to finish getting ready when I heard a knock on the door.

Y/N: who is it?
*no answer*
Y/N: who is it?
*no answer and I get a message and saw that it was Zach saying "I hope you love your present" and you went to go open the door and saw*
Zach: surprise. You love your present?
Y/N: so much.
*you guys kissed*
Y/N: did you come by yourself?
Zach: no the boys are here too
*Ashley walks in*
Ashley: Zach? What you doing here?
Zach: hey Ash. Im here because I miss my girl and my babies.
Y/N: aww we missed you too
Zach: so where you girls going?
Y/N: we're going shopping to kill time
Ashley: and then we're going to Paradise Cove Luau
Zach: since the boys and I are here we'll go with you girls
Ashley: why not

After a few minutes, we told the girls to meet us at the lobby and we let them know that the boys were here. We had gone down to the lobby and we saw everyone there and headed out.

A few hours later.

We went back to the hotel to drop off the things we just brought and headed out to Paradise Cove Luau. We had so much fun being there. We shared so many laughs and we also meet new people and some limelights. Surprisingly none of them noticed yet. You can kinda see that im showing.

A couple hours later.

We were all tried so we headed back to the hotel and slept.

5 days later.

We're finally going back home. I can tell that the boys and the girls needed this vacation. Our moods changed when we left LA to go to Hawaii. We were finally relaxed and ready to start fresh. After a while, we headed to the airport. We did everything we had to do and hopped in the plane to go home.

Almost 5 hours later.

Finally got to the LA. It was late at night and I felt tired. I was ready to go home and lay down on my bed. Hawaii was so much fun. I can't wait to go back one day with my family and who knows maybe I'll be married by then.

A few minutes later.

We stopped by to get In-n-Out. After a while, the boys and the girls went to their house and Ashley, Zach and I went to ours and rested the whole night.

Next Morning.

I woke up by the smell of pancakes but not just any type of pancakes, it's was the pancakes that Ashley makes. I rushed downstairs.

Ashley: did I wake you up?
Y/N: yeah you did with those delicious pancakes of yours
Ashley: well it was time to make them
Y/N: you only make them when a special occasion is happening so what's coming up?
Ashley: Corbyn's Birthday is tomorrow
Y/N: and his last hint hasn't came in yet
Ashley: I know and I also called the boys over for breakfast. Zach isn't up yet?
Y/N: nah he's deep in his sleep
Ashley: well he was tired haha
Y/N: i know
*someone knocks on the door*
Corbyn: where are the pancakes?
Ashley: goodmorning to you too
Corbyn: sorry it's just been so long since you last did them
Jack: hey, where's Zach?
Y/N: he's still sleeping
*Jack ran upstairs*
Daniel: he's gonna wake him up

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