Chapter 13

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A few hours later.

We had finally arrived at LAX. I wasn't feel good. When we were on our way to get our suitcases, I felt weak and just wanted to faint.

Ashley's POV:
We were on our way to get our suitcases. I noticed that Y/N was looking like herself. I saw that she was loosing your balance and with a blink of an eye, we saw her falling down.

Ashley: Y/N!!!!!!!
Zach: baby!
Corbyn: someone call a doctor or something!
Ashley: you going to be okay, y/n
Jonah: imma go buy alcohol
Ashley: I'Il go get paper from the restroom
Zach: hurry
Corbyn: i knew she wasn't okay.

After a while, Jonah and I came back with alcohol and some paper. We had her smell the alcohol that we put on the paper. In a matter of seconds, she opened he eyes.

Y/N: what happened?
Zach: you fainted
Y/N: i did?
Ashley: yeah. You scared us.
Y/N: Im sorry
Zach: you need to rest
Y/N: no Im fine
Corbyn: are you sure?
Y/N: yeah It's probably just a lack of hydration.
Ashley: let a doctor check you
Y/N: it's fine. I just need to lay down.

She stands up and walked away like if nothing
happened. She's getting all the signs of pregnancy. I went to go catch up with her.

Ashley: Y/N! You just fainted. I think you should tell Zach that you maybe pregnant
Y/N: no i don't want to tell him until I'm sure. Look, Ashley. I get that you want to make sure I'm fine and you want me to tell Zach but I don't want to tell him and then later we find out I'm not
Ashley: fine but we have to go to the doctors later
Y/N: yes i will

The rest of the boys came up to us. It was past 12am. They started to singing "Happy Birthday" to us.

Corbyn: Happy Birthday, twins
Both: thank you, Corbyn
Jonah: Happy Birthday
Both: thank you, Jonah
Jack: Happy Birthday guys
Both: thank you
Daniel: Happy Birthday to you both.
Both: thanks Dani
Zach: Happy Birthday, Ashley
Ashley: thanks
Zach: Happy Birthday baby. I have a surprise to give you later.
Y/N: thank you, baby. You didn't have to give me
anything. You being here with me today is the best gift ever

An hour later.

We had finally arrived to Corbyn's house. We headed to our room and just rested the night away.

Next Morning.

Today I'm going to the doctor with Ashley. I woke up early and texted Jonah.

Y/N: hey Jo.
Jonah: hey. How are you?
Y/N: Im better kinda nervous since I'm going to the doctors to find.
Jonah: Ohh yeah about that imm not gonna be able to go with y'all
Y/N: why not?
Jonah: I have to go to the studio and I might be there the whole time
Y/N: that's fine. Ash and I just wanted a girls day after I find out
Jonah: alright. Let me know
Y/N: will do. Bye

I went to get ready and headed to Ashley's room to wake her up. It was a struggle to wake her up but I finally got her up after I threw her cold water.

Ashley: Y/N!!!
*your parents, Jordan and Corbyn walked in*
Saskia: Im not gonna ask
Corbyn: anyways-
*they all started to sing Happy birthday*
Jordan: so whats the plan for tonight
Y/N: well me and Ash are gonna get our nails done then
Ashley: do a little shopping and maybe have a birthday dinner later with y'all
Y/N: and the boys
Corbyn: well I don't think the boys can go
Ashley: why not?
Corbyn: they have to go to the studio
Y/N: why aren't you going?
Corbyn: i used your birthday as an excuse
Ashley: wow and here I thought you wanted to spend time with us
*you all laughed*
Y/N: we got to get ready. I'll see you all later and hurry up Ashley before we miss our appointment

I walked out of Ashley's room and finished doing my hair and makeup. After a while, I was finally finished and now I'm just waiting on Ashley. As I was about to walk out, she finally came downstairs.

Ashley's POV:
I could tell she was nervous for this. Her phone kept ringing.

Ashley: your not gonna answer that?
Y/N: l'Il call them later
Ashley: it's Zach though
Y/N: Fine. Accept the call and put it on speaker
*on the phone*
Y/N: hey babe Im with Ashley and you're on speaker
Zach: hey Ash and hey beautiful. I just wanted to know what you're planning on doing tonight
Y/N: Imma have girls day with Ashley and have
dinner with my favorite.
Zach: i wanted to take you out today
Ashley: but don't you have to be at the studio
Zach: Ohh yeah
Y/N: I'll call you later
Zach: okay.
Y/N: i love you
Zach: what?
*you whisper to Ash*
Y/N: hang up
*she hangs up*

Your POV:
Omg! Did I iust say "I LOVE YOU" to Zach? I ruined it! Ugh! Why did I have to say it?! I hate myself for saying it. Now things are gonna be weird.

Y/N: omg i can't believe I said that
Ashley: I can't either. Wait what it's the first time you said it to him?
Y/N: yesss and to top it off imma tell him I'm pregnant
Ashley: we don't know that yet. We haven't got there yet
Y/N: now things are gonna weird between us. What if he leaves? I can't think about that right now. Help me think of something else
Ashley: we'll just sing all the way there
Y/N: okay

Ashley puts her playlist and started jamming out. After a while, we finally arrived to the doctors. We filled out some forms and now we are waiting for them to call me.

A few minutes later.

Nurse: Y/N Besson
Y/N: right here
Nurse: right this way

The nurse took me to a room and started to do my checkup.

Nurse: it's your birthday?
Y/N: yeah it's our birthday
Nurse: Ohh twins
Ashley: yeah sadly
Y/N: ouch that hurt
Nurse: well happy birthday to you both
Both: thank you.
Nurse: the doctor will come in soon and explain the next step
Y/N: okay thank you

I'm nervous to find out if I am or not. Don't get me wrong I would be beyond happy to be a mother but what scares me is what would happen after I find out. A few minutes later, the doctor came in.

Doc: I'm Doctor Gutierrez. So in order to find out if your pregnant or not, you gonna put the cold gel on your lower stomach and from there we gonna see if you have a baby or not
Y/N: okay.
Doc: alright let's start. Imma need you to pull up your shirt.
*you pull your shirt*
Doc: alright it's gonna get cold when I put it on. Okay?
*you nod*

She put the gel on my lower stomach and let me tell you it felt like I was in the snow for hours in a bikini. Okay, maybe i was exaggerating a bit but still it was cold cold. I let her do her thing and waited for something. I could tell Ashley was getting anxious just by waiting and honestly I could say the same thing about me. I just want to know if I am or not. If Zach doesn't want to be part of this baby's journey then it's gonna be alright. I have my family and friends that are gonna be there to support me and care about this baby.

Y/N: anything?
Ashley: Im getting anxious here.
Doc: well it looks like you don't have a baby...

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