Chapter 10⚠️

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Your POV:
We went on the bus and no one was in it. We checked the whole bus and no one was there. I texted Ashley to know where they were.

Y/N: Ashley, where are you guys?
Ashley: we're getting dinner. Why? Did something happen?
Y/N: we just got on the bus and we didn't see anyone here. Did you guys barely got there?
Ashely: yeah. We'll be back in 30 minutes.
Y/N: let me know when you guys are heading over.
Ashley: okay.

I looked at Zach and told him they're out getting dinner.

Zach: alone with my girl for 30 minutes
Y/N: so what are we gonna do?
Zach: this
*Zach leans in and kisses you*
Y/N: i thought we were gonna sleep
Zach: maybe later

He pushed me against the wall and did a make out session. After a while, we were walking to the back without breaking the kiss. We got to the room and you pushed Zach onto the bed. The next thing I know things got heated.

30 minutes later.

We were still doing it. We stopped for a while when we heard someone at the front. We got out of the room and went to go check it out. We saw each other and look at Ashley and the boys and saw that the boys were drunk.

Y/N: i thought that you guys went to go get dinner
Ashley: we did
Zach: then why are the boys drunk?
Corbyn: they gave us beer
Y/N: whos they?
Daniel: he means we got beer
Jonah: we were just gonna drink one but then
Ashley: one became too many
Zach: you guys know we have a show tomorrow
Y/N: all of you go lay down and sleep and once we get to the hotel i want you all go take a hot or cold shower and I'll have tea or black coffee to your room
Jack: okay, MOM!

5 minutes later.

I went to go get a snack when I hear a loud bang. I followed where the sound was and saw that a table was broken.

Y/N: what the hell happened here?
Corbyn: Jonah broke the table
Jonah: no I didn't
Daniel: guys Jonah broke the table
Jonah: guys don't listen to looks fucking amazing
Y/N: didn't i tell you guys to go lay down?
Jack: we're not tired though
Ashley: y'all should should listen to her
Corbyn: before she gets mad
*the boys go lay down*

I headed to my side of the bed when I felt like someone was following me. I turned around to see Ashley.

Y/N: why are you following me?
Ashley: what happened when we weren't here?
Y/N: Wym?
Ashely: you wouldnt tell me "let me know when you guys get here" for nothing
*you closed the door behind you*
Y/N: we did it
Ashley: omg! You lying?
Y/N: would i ever lie to you?
Ashley: Im so happy for you. Did you like the ring?
Y/N: how did you know he got me a ring?
Ashley: I helped him pick it
Y/N: anything i should know about?
*right as Ashley was about to answer, Zach enters*
Zach: hey beautiful
Y/N: heyyyy
Zach: Ashley
Ashley: Zach
Y/N: whats going on?
Ashley: nothing. Anyways here's you 2nd hint.
*you open a box*
Y/N: paint?
Ashley: yeah red paint
Y/N: why do i feel like you giving me random hints?
Ashley: got to go
Y/N: wait here's yours
*you handed her a box*
Ashley: a picture of a house?
Y/N: yeah
Zach: yall are just giving each other random things.
*Ashley leaves*

A few minutes later.


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