Chapter 14

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Y/N: what do you mean?
Ashley: she's been throwing up, fainting, craving weird food and she's been eating a lot
Doc: does any one in family have twins?
Y/N: yeah. She's my twin.
Doc: well it looks like its your turn.
Ashley: what?
Y/N: Im having twins
Doc: yes ma'am
Y/N: omg! Imma have twins
Ashley: you're having twins
Doc: congrats. We're done here. Here's a napkin to clean the gel.

I can't believe I'm having twins. Zach and I are having twins. Now, how am I suppose to tell him, our family and our friends.

Ashley: congrats you're having twins.
Y/N: yeah, who would of thought?
*you has a worried face*
Ashley: why do you have that face? You should be happy.
Y/N: i am happy. I'm just worried about what our
families and friends but mostly Zach will say
Ashley: what about Zach?
Y/N: Im scared that he might leave or he's not ready
Ashley: hey, if something does happen. You have us. You have the boys, our parents and our friends but mostly me and plus I'm pretty sure Corbyn will make his life miserable
Y/N: well he is an overprotective brother and thank you for being here with me now let's go celebrate our birthday.

We got on the car and went to the mall. We went to get our nails done as well. We did more shopping. I was about to call Corbyn but he beat me to it.

Corbyn: hey, y/n. Where are you guys?
Y/N: we're at the mall
Corbyn: you guys are taking so long
Y/N: i was about to text you to meet us for dinner
Corbyn: where at?
Y/N: meet us at *your favorite restaurant*
Corbyn: alright we'll be there soon
Y/N: okay

Corbyn's POV:
Ever since the girls left the boys and their families have been helping my family and I set up the party that we have been planning for months. I'm just glad that they had something planned for today. I called Y/N to know if they were on their way home. I'm glad that they wanted to meet us at the restaurant for dinner.

A few minutes later.

We had arrived at the restaurant. Ashley and
Y/N were waiting for us. We ordered our food and talked.

Ashley: so what you guys do all day?
Corbyn: uhm I was at the studio
Jordan: i went to the gym
Ray: me and your mom went for a walk at the beach
Saskia: did you guys have fun shopping?
Y/N: Ohh yeah we had fun.
Ashley: we had an amazing time. I would consider this the best birthday ever
Saskia: why's that?
Y/N: Ohh well we got our nails done and we went
shopping and got a tattoos
Corbyn: another one?
Ashley: yeah we did
Jordan: let me see
*you showed them your matching tattoo and showed your recent one; you got a dove and Ashley got a cross*
Saskia: they look good
Corbyn: one day we should all get a matching tattoo
Jordan: bro, that's a good idea

Ashley's POV:
After an hour or so we all decided to go home but before me and Y/N went home I had to give Y/N, the last gift.

Ashley: uhmm me and Y/N will meet you guys at the house
Y/N: where we going?
Ashley: I got to give you your last gift
Y/N: okay
Corbyn: let me know when you guys are coming so I can go get your gift
Ashley: I thought you already got it
Corbyn: i do it's just needed the final touches
Y/N: I'll text you when we're on the way

We left the restaurant. I blindfolded Y/N so she
wouldn't see where we're going. I had her listen to loud music so she wouldn't be able to hear the sounds.

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