Chapter 18

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Ashley's POV:
After the doctors appointment, they dropped me off at the girls' house. We had started planning the party. It's gonna be at the beach since we're living at the beach.

Ashley: so here's the envelopes
Sydnie: have you looked at it?
Ashley: no I was waiting so we can all see it together
Ava: alright let's open it
*they opened the envelopes*
All: OMG!
Ava: I knew it!
Sydnie: i can't wait for them to come
Ashley: just 6 more months left
Sydnie: alright let's find a way to do this
Ava: i have a few ideas saved in my notes
Ashley: let's hear them
Ava: alright the first one is smoke bombs
Sudnie: we could do that
Ava: second one we make it confusing for them
Ashley: that's good. Then at the end we can give them the actual genders
Ava: but how should we do it
Sydnie: we can have Daniel and Jack set the smoke bomb for baby #1
Ava: and they run around the beach and we us three we'll have the confetti bombs for baby #2
Sydnie: alright I'll order them right now

1 month later.

We had gotten everything we need for today's party. They're finally gonna find out the genders. It was difficult to hide the genders from Y/N and Zach since I live with them but luckily Syd has the smoke bombs and confetti bombs. I've been stressing so much this month. We had gotten them out of the house and told them they aren't allowed to come back until I tell them to.

A few minutes later.

The girls and the boys and their family had all arrived to come and help set everything up. All of them have been so helpful by having some decorations at their house and putting the centerpiece together. My family and the Herron family gathered a few baby pictures of Y/N and Zach.

2 hours later.

Everything is set up. The guest are finally here. I invited Zach and Jabez to come but only Jabez came.

Ashley: omg! You're here.
Jabez: why would i miss my childhood bestfriend gender reveal?
Ashley: l haven't seen you since graduation
Jabez: i know it's been a year
Ashley: yeah it has
Jabez: Oh uhm this is Alex, Sam, and Devyn
Ashley: Ohh hi, I'm Ashley Besson
*they shake hands*
Alex: as in Jabez's ex
Ashley: that's me
Sam: we heard so much about you
Devyn: it's so good to finally met you
Alex: he forgot to mention that you're really pretty
Ashley: thank you
*Jabez coughs*
Jabez: we're gonna find a table
Ashley: yeah uhm enjoy the party

Not gonna lie Alex is so cute. I know for a fact if Y/N was here right now, she would try her best to convince me to talk to him. Speaking of Y/N, I got to tell her she can come.

Your POV:
Zach and I had spent the whole day like if it was a date. We spent the whole time shopping for baby clothes and we were looking at baby furniture. We also bought things for ourselves. At this point, I was ready to go home. We decided to drive around until Ashley tells us to go home.

A few minutes later.

Right when pulled up to get food, I received a message from Ashley.

Ashley: it's time to come home
Y/N: alright we'll be home in 20 minutes
Ashley: alright when you guys get here go straight to your room and change and I'll go get you guys
Y/N: yes ma'am

I told Zach what Ashley told me. We got our food and eat in the parking lot.

An hour later.

We had arrived at the house and we went straight to the room and we saw that our outfits were on the bed.

Y/N: Im excited to know the genders
Zach: me too. I can't believe your 4 months pregnant
Y/N: i know 5 more months and they're here
Zach: and you're gonna be a wonderful mother
Y/N: and you're gonna be a wonderful father to them
Zach: Im just happy that they're gonna have you as a mother
Y/N: yeah Im glad you're the dad
*you guys kissed and started to get ready*

We finished getting ready and now we just waiting for Ashley to come.

Y/N: what should we name the babies?
Zach: not sure. What do you have in mind?
Y/N: if both of them are girl I want to name her Rose Marie Herron and Angela Herron
Zach: those are beautiful names. If both of them are boys we can name them Oliver Herron and Caleb Herron
Y/N: i love them
*someone knocks*
Ashley: you guys ready?
Y/N: for a long time
Zach: it's been almost 30 minutes since we got done
Ashley: alright then let's go

We headed outside. Not gonna lie I did cry. It's exactly how I thought it was gonna be. When we walked out, everyone clapped. I looked at Zach and he's all happy. I turned to the girls. I went up to them and hugged them.

Y/N: thank you so much for this
Zach: you girls did an amazing job
Ashley: anything for you guys
Ava: you guys deserve this
Sydnie: and many more
Y/N: you girls are the best!
Zach: alright let's party!

We went and greeted everyone that came and once we got to this one table, I noticed someone familiar. I got closer and I saw Jabez.

Y/N: Jabez?
Jabez: Y/N!
Y/N: omg! It's so good to see you again
Jabez: same here. Wow. You've changed something about you us different
Y/N: it's probably my pregnancy
Jabez: ahh that's right haha
Y/N: Ohh uhm this is my boyfriend Zach
Zach: nice to meet you
Jabez: Im Jabez, this is Alex, Sam and Devyn
Y/N: it's nice to meet you
Sam: same here
Devyn: congrats on your pregnancy
Alex: it's nice to see you in person
Zach: wait is this the Jabez that Ashley dated
Jabez: yes that's me
Y/N: well we got to go.
Zach: enjoy the party

A few minutes later.

Zach and I were dancing until the DJ stopped
playing and now Ava is talking on the microphone.

Ava: alright we gonna need the dance floor to be clear and only have the couple of tonight
*everyone left and it's just you two on the dance floor*
Ava: alright it's time to find out the genders of the babies
*Syd walks to you and gives you two a smoke bomb*
Sydnie: on the count of 3 you're gonna open them
Ava: alright 1.2.3
*you guys popped it but only the color Yellow and Red came out*
Y/N: what color is for girl or boy?
Ashley: sorry we gave you guys the wrong one. Here's the right now
Zach: alright let's try this again
Sydnie: on a count of 3. 1.2...3
*you popped them and the color Purple and Orange came out*
Ava: those colors were suppose to be for our photo shoot
Y/N: omg! You girls should have labeled them
Ashley: I think we brought the wrong ones

Right when Ashely said those words, we saw Daniel and Jack running around with the smoke bombs that had the color pink.

Y/N: omg they're both girls!
Zach: yes Imma have 3 girls in my life.
Ashley: Ohh no that's for baby number 1
Ava: you still need baby number 2
Zach: so whats baby number 2
*Isla comes and give the girls the confetti bombs*
Ashley: alright 1
Ava: 2
Sydnie: 3!
*they popped it*
Z: it's a...

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