Chapter 8

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Me and Ashley were shopping all day. We bought Corbyn and the boys a little gift. We also bought a gift for each other as well. It got late and we went to go get food for us and the boys so we can have a movie night at my room. We texted the boys to come to our room in a few hours.

Y/N: hey guys, can you meet me and Ashley in my room in a few hours.
Daniel: Ashley is here?
Zach: When did she arrived?
Jack: how come we weren't we notified that she was here?
Corbyn: yes she is here. She arrived last night. Y'all were sleeping when she got here.
Y/N: anyways meet us in our room in a few
All: okay

We also bought some snacks for the road since we leave tomorrow to the next city, the boys are still doing more interviews and performing at a show. We arrived at the hotel and we rushed to the room and we put the food as a "buffet" and of course we have chicken tenders.

1 hour later.

We put the boys gift on the night stand. As we were putting the movie on, we heard a knock on the door. Me and Ashley ran to the door.

All: WOW!
Corbyn: whats this about!
Ashley: well we know that you guys been performing none stop without breaks so..
Y/N: we wanted to do something for you guys and what better way then to have a
Zach: thank you.
*Zach kissed you*
Jonah: did we miss something?
Daniel: did y'all just kissed?
Jack: Corbyn, did you see that? Zach kissed your sister!
Corbyn: and?
Ashley: they made it official last night
Daniel: i didnt know y'all liked each other
Ashley: it was kinda obvious that they did
Y/N: anyways, can we start the movie night now?
All: yeah!

A few hours later.

We finished watching two or three movies and mostly everyone was sleeping. The only ones awake was Zach and me. Ashley, Corbyn and Jack were sharing one bed and Jonah and Daniel were laying on the floor. Zach and I were on my bed. We talked for a few minutes.

Y/N: Im so tired. Me and Ashley walked for what felt like hours.
Zach: well it looks like you've been shopping all day too
Y/N: we did
Zach: i think we should go to sleep then
Y/N: Goodnight, baby
Zach: Goodnight, princess

A few hours later.

I woke up because I felt like I was missing something. When I looked at the nightstand, I saw that we didn't give the boys their gifts so I slowly got out of Zach's grip and went to wake up Ashley.

Y/N: hey, Ash. Wake up.
Ashley: what time is it?
Y/N: not sure. I think it's 5am
Ashley: omg. Let me sleep.
Y/N: we got to put the boys gift in their rooms
Ashley: okay. Let's go then.

Ashley and I got the keys from the boys since they left it by the door and went to their room and put the gifts on their beds. We got the boys a custom made bracelet with their last names and 1/5 on it. We finished putting their gifts on the bed and headed back to our room. We started to clean up a little bit and put everything away.

A few hours later.

The boys woke up and headed to their room to get ready to leave the hotel and head to the next city. We were finishing getting ready when all the boys come in and attacked me and Ashley.

Ashley: now whats this about?
Y/N: why are we getting attacked?
Corbyn: we just wanted to say thank you
Both: for what?
Daniel: you guys need to stop doing that EVERYTIME
Both: do what?
Jonah: that
Both: what being twins?
Corbyn: yall get use to it soon
Jonah: anyways thank you for the gift
Jack: it means a lot
Zach: you could have told us y'all were getting us gifts
Daniel: we would have bought you guys something
Y/N: it's fine. Like we said last night...
Ashley: we wanted to do something for you guys

And with that we left the hotel and headed to the next city.

A few months later.

It's finally November. This month was the month that Ashley and I along with Corbyn were born. Every year we give each other hints on what we were giving each other but with Corbyn we start a week before his birthday.

Ashley's POV:
When me and Y/N were shopping in Paris, we went in different directions to go get gifts for each other and we would have to meet back where we were together. Usually we don't team up for Corbyn's but this year we are. Every city we go to, we go shopping since we have to do a week of giving hints. I buy random things to give to Y/N that don't go with the gift imma give her.

Corbyn's POV:
The month that I get to spoil my twin sisters. The week of giving them hints of their gifts. This year I've teamed up with the boys and their sisters. They helped me so much now they got closer to them. This gift is gonna be special. But this one is gonna to be a 2 part. The next show imma introduce them. Most fans know who Ashley is because me and her look more a like but Y/N all they know is that she's our tour photographer. Let's see what's gonna happen. I went to their room and I gave them their first hint.

Corbyn: already here is your first hint.
*he handed you guys an envelope*
Ashely: just one?
Corbyn: this present is for the both of you since y'all live in the same house
Y/N: whats in it?
Corbyn: open it and you'll find out
Ashley: it's a picture
Corbyn: i know
Y/N: it's a picture of a Daniel's family
Corbyn: yeah
Ashley: why do we have a picture of them?
Corbyn: it's part of the gift
*he walked out of your room*

Ashley's POV:
Corbyn's first hint is confusing but now it's mine turn to give Y/N, her first hint for my gift. She's gonna be more confused then what Corbyn gave us.

Ashley: okay I don't know what that picture means but here's mine
*she hands you a small box*
Y/N: a box?
Ashely: open it
*you open it*
Y/N: is this a joke?
Ashley: no
Y/N: why you give me a needle?
Ashley: you'll see soon

Your POV:
First, Corbyn gave us a picture of the Seavey Family and now Ash gives me a needle. At this point I'm scared to know what they're gonna give me. Now it's mine turn to give Ash her first hint.

Y/N: alright here's your first hint
*you handed her an envelope*
Ashley: a letter?
Y/N: read it.
Ashley: okay it's says. "You've been wanting this item since we were teens but you could never pull yourself to look for it" that could be a lot of things though
Y/N: i know. You tend to not waste money sometimes.

After talking about Corbyn's hints that we gonna give him, we've decided to give him is first hint early. We went to go knock on his hotel room but we realized he had to go to the venue, which wasn't far from the hotel, to do a sound check. We went to go look for him. We arrived at the venue and we saw that the boys were resting and talking to each other. When we walked to the stage, they stopped talking.

Ashley: why you guys stop?
Jack: we just finished talking
Y/N: sure
Zach: hey beautiful
Y/N: baby!
*you guys kissed*
Corbyn: what are you guys doing here?
Ashley: well me and Y/N/N decided to give you your
Both: first hint
*you handed him an envelope*
Y/N: i know we start giving you hits one week before your birthday
Ashley: but you deserve to know your first hint as well
Jonah: what do you guys mean by hints?
Corbyn: every year on November we give each other hints for week about the presents we gonna give each other for our birthday but they start giving me hints a week before mine
Daniel: so whats your first hint?
Corbyn: it's a star?
Both: yeah
Corbyn: weird
Ashley: just like yours
Zach: what was yours?

Corbyn's POV:
I know y'all are confused on why the boys acting like they didn't know about the tradition, that's because I told them to act like they didn't know. They know about the first hint.

Y/N: Corbyn gave us a picture of Daniel's family
Daniel: my family?
Ashley: yeah your family
Zach: thats just weird

After a few minutes of talking, the boys and I had to start getting ready along with Y/N due to her being our photographer.

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