Chapter 6

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Your POV:
Zach thinks I'm avoiding him but I'm not really
avoiding. I heard him talk to Corbyn in the green room when I took a nap. He's gonna ask me out on our date. Am I ready? I've been focused on myself for a long time. You know what I'm just gonna give him a chance. Right now I'm taking pictures of the boys while they're performing.

Almost 2 hours later.

The show is finally over and we packed all the
equipment and we headed to the bus. I was the first one to get on the bus. I was about to take off my makeup when Jack sat next to me.

Jack: hey Y/N
Y/N: hey Jack.
Jack: so how was it?
Y/N: how was what?
Jack: the show. I mean it is the first show with us
Y/N: Ohh it was fun. Your fans are so cute and so nice
Jack: so you're not regretting being our photographer
Y/N: of course not. At this point, I consider most of you guys my bestfriend
Jack: but Im your number one
*Corbyn walks in*
Corbyn: uhm no that would be me
Y/N: wrong. It's Ashely
Corbyn: but since I'm your older brother I'm your #1 boy bestfriend
Y/N: wrong again Corbyn. That would Zach and Jabez
Corbyn: i forgot about them. Have you talked to them?
Y/N: no
Jack: you know Zach longer than us?
Corbyn: different Zach. What was his last name?
Y/N: Clayton
*Jonah walks in*
Jonah: you guys know Zach Clayton?!
*you and Corbyn nod*
Y/N: he was my bestfriend. How do you know him?
Jonah: I went on a tour with him a few years back
Jack: how come you never talked about him?
Jonah: we just went our own way after we became a band

We talked for a few more minutes until Daniel and Zach sat down with us.

Daniel: hey, do you guys want to get food?
Zach: yeah Im hungry.
Corbyn: what do you guys want to eat?
Zach: Chipotle
Jack: we had that early
Y/N: anywhere but make sure they have chicken
tenders I've been craving them
Corbyn: i remember you would eat those like if they were snacks
Y/N and Zach: they're so good
*You and Zach smiled at each other*

A few minutes later.

We got our food and headed back to the bus and we were on our way to the next stop. When I was done eating, I went to take off my makeup and changed into comfy clothes. I have my own space in the back of the bus. Which is perfect because I need my own space to get away from the boys if they ever get on my nerves. I told the boys goodnight and headed to my bed.

A few hours later.

I woke up in the middle of the night because I couldn't sleep. I went on my phone and I wanted to see if Zach was still up so I texted him but I don't think he's gonna answer me since it's late.

A few minutes later.

I was about to close my phone when I heard a ding on my phone. I checked who it was and it was Zach.

Y/N: hey Zach, just wanted to see if your awake.
Zach: hey beautiful. I haven't slept yet. What's on your mind.
Y/N: well it's my first night being away from Ashley. Me and her are never apart this far.

I mean me and Ashley were in different state before but I just needed an excuse to text him.

Zach's POV:
I couldn't sleep all night. I decided to go on Instagram for a bit when I saw that Y/N had sent me a text. I opened up the message. She told me she can't sleep since it's her first time being away from Ashley.

Zach: you want me to be with you?
Y/N: uhm can you?
Zach: I'll be there in a few seconds

I was on my way to her room when I felt someone's hand grab my arm. I look to see it was Jack.

Jack: Don't think about finishing what I interrupted you guys
Zach: about that. Thanks a lot.
Jack: aye I saved your ass with Corbyn

I walked away from Jack and walked to her room. I knocked on her door. I could hear her whisper to come in.

Y/N: hey
Zach: hi beautiful.
Y/N: Im sorry that i made you walk over here at night
Zach: it's fine. The bus is small so it wasn't much walking.
*You and Zach laughed*

Your POV:
I made Zach lay down next me. When he laid down, I felt his hand go around my waist and pulled me closer to him again only being a few inches away from him.

Y/N: let's not do what was gonna happen when Jack came in
Zach: of course not. I just want to cuddle.
*Zach kissed your forehead and covered both of you*

Next Morning.

I felt a pair of arms around my waist when I looked up to see Zach Laying down next to me. I got up slowly so I won't wake him up. I felt him pull me towards him. I was now on top of him.

Zach: Goodmorning, beautiful.
Y/N: Goodmorning

I felt his lips on mine. The kiss became a passionate make out session but as he was about to talk off my shirt. Someone knocks on the door. You got up and open the door. You see Corbyn in front of you.

Y/N: hey Corbyn
Corbyn: hey Y/N/N
Y/N: whats up?
Corbyn: just wanted to see if you know where Zach is but I see that he's with you
Y/N: it's not what you think. We were just talking
Corbyn: okay if you say so. Anyways we got to the hotel. Here's your keys to your room so you guys can get ready and we'll be on our way to get breakfast and then to the venue
Both: thanks
*Corbyn walks out and leaves you guys alone*
Y/N: i think we should get going
Zach: yeah. I'll see you in a few
Y/N: yeah. Bye
Zach: bye

I headed to my room and started to get ready for the show. I just kept repeating what just happened in my head. I just keep falling more and more in love with him.

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