Chapter 19

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Zach: it's a girl
*eveyone claps. You guys hug and kissed*
Y/N: wait is it really
Ashley: yeah both of them are girls
Y/N: omg! Imma cry
*you ended up cry*
Zach: 3 girls in my life now
Y/N: i love you
*you guys kissed*
Zach: i love you too

Everyone came and congratulated us. I'm having two girls. Couldn't be more excited.

A few hours later.

Everyone was saying goodbye to us. The last person to leave was Jabez and his friends.

Y/N: thank you for coming.
Ashley: seriously Im glad you came
Jabez: thank you for inviting me it sucks that Zach didn't come
Ashley: yeah we'll probably see him another time
Y/N: i hope this isn't the last time we see each other
Ashley: the doors are always open for you and your friends
Jabez: i promise you it's not going to be the last
Alex: it was nice knowing you both, especially Ashley
*you see Ashley blushing*

Ashley's POV:
Before we did the reveal i was talking to Alex. We were getting to know each other and honestly he's so sweet and kind. He talked to me about his little brother, his life, what he does, ect. We got to know so much about each other. It was cut short since we had to reveal the gender. After the reveal, i went to go look for him. We danced the whole night. We exchanged numbers and followed each other on every social media. I'm actually falling for him.

Alex: it was nice knowing you both, especially Ashley
* she was blushing so hard that you could tell*
Ashley: you too
Alex: I'll text you later
Ashley: yeah
*they left*
Y/N: what was that?
Ashley: what do you mean?
Y/N: you were blushing
Ashley: no I wasn't
Y/N: uhm yeah you were
Ashley: you're crazy
Y/N: omg! You're falling for him!
Ashley: I barely know the guy
Y/N: ive seen you with him all night. I see you guys together
Ashley: imma go sleep
Y/N: Ashley is in love!
Ashley: shut up, Y/N!

I walked to my room. Y/N was right even though I barely meet him, I'm actually falling for him.

4 months later.

Alex and i have been texted non-stop. We have gone on dates and we have gotten closer than ever before. At this point, it feels like I've known him for years. Right now, we're on a date at the beach. He had a picnic set for us. It was so cute.

Alex: have i ever told you how beautiful you are?
Ashley: like every single day
Alex: and Im never gonna stop telling you that.
*they smiled at each other*
Alex: so how do you think the date is going so far?
Ashley: it's actually going good.
Alex: that's good. Before we leave, I need to tell you something.
Ashley: what's up?
Alex: these past few months has been amazing. Meeting you the day was the best that has happen to me and I haven't stopped thinking about you.
Ashley: What are you trying to say?
Alex: Ashley, will you be my girlfriend?
Ashley: YESS! I mean yes I will love to be your girlfriend

Just as I answered the question, I got a call from Zach.

Ashley: hello
Zach: Ash, thank god you picked up! Y/N is in labor
Ashley: WHAT? She's not due for another week
Zach: i know we're on our way to the hospital right now
Ashley: okay I'm on my way
Zach: before you come, we actually forgot the hospital bag at the house can you pick it up
Ashley: yeah of course
* hanged up*
Ashley: Im so sorry I have to go. My nieces are coming.
Alex: I'll go with you
Ashley: let me stop by at the house and we'll be on our way

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