Chapter 3

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Zach's POV:
After talking to Y/N, I felt more connected to her. I know Corbyn told us to stay away from them but I just can't get her out of my mind. She's all I think about now. I think imma talk to Corbyn tomorrow if I can take her on a date.

Next Morning.

I see Corbyn at the balcony by himself. Now is the time to talk to him. I really hope he lets me take her out.

Zach: hey Corbyn
Corbyn: what's up?
Zach: i know you said-
*Corbyn cut him off*
Corbyn: you want to take Y/N out on a date and you want me to say yes
Zach: how did you know?
Corbyn: you haven't stop looking at her since y'all meet
Zach: so can i?
Corbyn: it's up to her not me
Zach: thanks bro

I left Corbyn to go look for Y/N. She was in the living room watching Criminal Minds.

Your POV:
I saw Zach coming out of his room to go talk to Corbyn. They've been talking for about 30 minutes now. Talking to Zach yesterday felt so good. It felt like I count on him for anything. After him and Corbyn stopped talking, he sat down next to me.

Zach: goodmorning
Y/N: goodmorning
Zach: how did you sleep?
Y/N: good. What about you?
Zach: Same. I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime.
Y/N: sure
Zach: really?
Y/N: why not.
Zach: I'll plan something out and I'll let you know. Can I have your number?
Y/N: it's ***_***_****
Zach: thanks

When Zach left, I went to Ashley's room and told her about what just happened. She was excited like if she was asked. After I told her, we ended up talking for hours. Then, I went to my room to relax but a few minutes later someone knocks on my door.

Y/N: come in
Jonah: hey
Y/N: whats up?
Jonah: Jon wants to know if you thought about being our photographer for the European Tour.
Y/N: OMG! I kinda forgot about it but I'm willing to do it
Jonah: really?
Y/N: of course
Jonah: thank you so much

Jonah walks out of my room and I finally decided to go to sleep early.

Next morning.

I can't believe imma be the photographer for Why Don't We. Imma be seeing my brother a lot now. I haven't told Ashley yet but imma do it right now. I saw her in the kitchen making breakfast.

Ashley: Goodmorning, Y/N/N!
Y/N: Goodmorning, Ash!
Ashley: whats the plan for today?
Y/N: i got to go to school.
Ashley: it's a Sunday though. Why do you need to go to school?
Y/N: well imma ask if I can do online classes for a while.
Ashley: why?
Y/N: Im going to be the photographer for the boys
Ashley: that means imma be by myself for I don't know how long
*Jack walks in*
Jack: you should meet my sisters
Y/N: thats a good idea.

Jack started to talk about how his sisters are and honestly they sound like amazing. I can't wait to meet them. So the boys finally decided to come join us at the table.

Corbyn: is Ashley making her famous pancakes?
Ashley: duhh!
Corbyn: God, i miss those so much
Zach: whats so famous about her brea-
*you stuffed a pancake in his mouth*
Zach: omg! These are so good!
*You all laughed and talked so more*
Y/N: hey guys.
All: whats up?
Y/N: Jack gave me an idea earlier
Jonah: oh no...
Daniel: Jack gave her an idea
Jack: guys just listen to her
Zach: it's just surprising
Corbyn: go on Y/N/N
Y/N: since Ash is gonna be by herself I was thinking we can have a goodbye party with family and friends that way we can get to know the boys family and friends
Daniel: wow! Jack gave you that idea.
Jonah: that's not a bad idea. I'll let my family know.
Ashley: where would we have it?
Y/N: here
Corbyn: you sure?
Y/N: if that's okay with Ash.
Ashley: yeah let's do it
Daniel: I'll call my family
Jack: Same here
Zach: doing it right now

All the boys left the table and it was just the Besson siblings.

Corbyn: Imma invite Christina to come. That way you girls can meet in person
Ashley: yesss! I've been dying to meet her
Y/N: Same here. You've talk about her so much it feels like I've already meet her.
Corbyn: you girls are gonna love her
Y/N: And she's gonna love us
Ashley: we got a party to prepare
Corbyn: Imma go call her

Ashley and I went to the party supply store after we went to school and dealt with the whole online thing. We decided to have a theme. The theme was a Pink Party. We bought tons of pink decorations. When we finish buying the decorations, we texted the boys if they want to meet us at the mall so we can buy some pink outfits. We arrived at the mall and we waited for the boys at the food court since we're hungry after all that shopping. Soon we both heard the boys.

Corbyn: we weren't invited to eat?
Ashley: there's food over there

When Corbyn and Ashley were arguing, I saw Zach looking at me. I heard Ashley telling the boys she's gonna buy them food. All of them went but Zach said he wasn't hungry.

Y/N: you're not gonna eat?
Zach: i Don't want to leave a beautiful girl all by herself
Y/N: thank you but I could take care of myself. I didn't take two years of Criminal Justice for nothing.
Zach: you took Criminal Justice classes?
Y/N: in High School
Zach: why didn't you continue?
Y/N: didn't think it was for me
*they all came back with their food*
Jack: what are you guys talking about?
Zach: Y/N took Criminal Justice classes in high school for two years
Corbyn: i still remember you coming home and practice with the baton and stressing over reports and doing sketches.
Ashley: you were so focus on it. She would study all night and when she's about to enter the class
Daniel: why you stop?
Y/N: i didn't think it was for me
Jonah: maybe have it as a backup
Y/N: i will. Alright let's go shopping

You all shopped for hours until the mall close. We ended up buying a lot of clothes but the only one that bought more shoes then clothes would be Corbyn.

Ashley: I honestly don't even know where you keep all your shoes
Jonah: he has two closets one for his shoes and the other is for clothes
Corbyn: Im adding more room for the shoe closet

We all laughed and decided to watch a movie and eat pizza. Zach sat next to me and I decided to rest my head on his shoulder. Half way through the movie everyone was sleeping but not me and Zach. I got up to go sit by the pool and Zach decided to follow me and sat next to me.

Y/N: you gonna follow me everywhere I go now
Zach: no it's just for today
Y/N: so where's the date you promised me?
Zach: well I was gonna wait until we arrived at Europe but i can't keep in a secret anymore. We have a free day when we get to Paris so I was planning on taking you out to dinner and then to the Eiffel Tower and I have a surprise at the end.
Y/N: why so romantic?
Zach: that's just how I am.
Y/N: well imma go sleep now see you tomorrow morning
Zach: Goodnight beautiful.

Why does he make me feel this way? Am I falling for him? He's always on my mind. I can't stop thinking about him. I need to talk to Ash about this.

Zach's POV:
Why does she make me feel this way? Am I falling for her? She's always on my mind. I can't stop thinking about her. I need to talk to Corbyn about this.

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