Chapter 5

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Andy quickly grabbed his bag before running out the door the moment Andy was gone the toys came alive Woody helped the girl to her feet.

Don't I know you? Woody asked Uh-uh. I would've remembered Vallia giggled causing Bo to stare at the two jealousy burning in her eyes.

Woody was hers and only hers. Bo grabbed Woody by a crook and pulled him towards her he fell off the bed as Bo pulled him towards her and away from Vallia.

Whoooooah! Oh! Bo! Woody said rubbing his neck. There's gotta be a less painful way to get my attention.

Seeing Woody and Bo together made the youngest daughter of Aron DuBaer's heart ache and I didn't know why.

I climbed on top of one of the shelves before I curled up in a ball drifting off to sleep

No... No... No No! Leave me alone! l don't want my powers I don't want to be a Princess Vallia screamed in her sleep the darkness reached out to touch her but before the darkness could do anything else she woke screaming

Woody and Buzz were the only ones who cared about her to all the other toys Bo expecially just found the young DuBaer girl annoying.

Yes! A boy cackles Whoa! Slinky says as he ducks under the bed
Uh-oh Woody said
It's Sid! Slinky spoke
Don't move! Sid Philips
[The egg toys jump into each other in fright]I thought he was at summer camp Rex. They must've kicked him out early this year Hamm said
Oh, no, not Sid! Rex spoke

The toys climb up to the window
Incoming! Sid spoke throwing stuff while the dog barks. Who is it this time? Mr Pototohead asked
I... I can't..... I can't tell. Hey, where's Lenny? Woody said
Right here, Woody Lenny responded.
Oh, no, I can't bear to watch one of these again Rex said.
Woody uses Lenny to see what toy Sid is trying to take out
Oh, no, it's Combat Carl Woody said as Buzz joins them
What's going on? Buzz Lightyear asked Nothing that concerns you spacemen, just us toys Woody responded.BI'd better take a look anyway Buzz said ignoring Woody completely He uses Lenny to look at Combat Carl Why is that soldier strapped to an explosive device?Buzz asked That's why Sid Woody responded Woody actually points Lenny at the dog]Hmm, sure is a hairy fella Buzz said Woody realizing his mistake of identifying Scud as Sid to Buzz No, no, that's Scud, you idiot.
(moves Lenny up to Sid so that Buzz can see him properly. That is Sid Woody said . You mean that happy child? Buzz asks That ain't no happy child Mr Potato Head responded. He tortures toys, just for fun! Rex said as Sid throws a block at the soldier.

Well, then, we've got to do something Buzz Lightyear said as he climbed onto the windowsill causing Bo to gasp, putting her cane hook on Buzz's arm. What are you doing? Get down from there! She says I'm gonna teach that boy a lesson Buzz Lightyear said to Bo. Yeah, sure. You go ahead. Melt him with your scary laser Woody says as he presses Buzz's laser Be careful with that, it's extremely dangerous Buzz said. He's lighting it! He's lighting it! Hit the dirt! Lenny said Woody jumped knocking Vallia off her feet causing her to shriek Look out!
They all take cover as the dynamite explodes destroying the soldier. They soon are back on the windowsill Vallia crying in Woody's arms

Yes! He's gone! He's history! Sid said as he laughs with triumph. I could have stopped him Buzz said
Buzz, I would love to see you try gesturing to Sid's yard 'Course I'd love to see you as a crater Woody spoke as Vallia continued crying in Woody's arms causing Bo to stare at the two of them with jealousy burning in her eyes. The sooner we move, the better she said her voice dripping with anger with each word.

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