Chapter 6

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Woody held Vallia's shaking form in his arms Bo glowered at him but Woody didn't seem to notice you know it just occurred to me that I uh don't know you're name as Woody looked down he saw that the girl was already asleep. He gently rocked her back and forth in his arms.

Vallia are you in here? Ray said sticking his head in the doorway Vallia stirred slightly. Vallia if you are in here we have to continue our mission.

Vallia Woody mumbled with a small smile tugging at his lips that's a nice name Woody said his smile growing wider Bo once again glowered at Woody as he climbed down the shelf with Vallia in his arms.

He gently ran his hands through her hair. Sheriff Woody Pride Is it really you? Ray Stantz asked just as the two heard footsteps. They quickly froze with Vallia still in Woody's arms on the bed.

Still Andy's favourite I see Ray said just as Andy rounded the corner mmmm he said seeing Vallia in Woody's arms before he looked between Bo Peep and the youngest daughter of Aron DuBaer he put Bo on top of his nightstand before he grabbed Vallia

Throughout the whole playtime Bo looked at Woody jealousy burning in her eyes

Reach for the sky Sheriff Woody said
Oh, no. Sheriff Woody One-Eye Bart said

I'm here to stop you, One-Eye Bart Woody said. D'oh! How did you know it was me? One-Eye Bart asked Are you gonna come quietly? Woody and Vallia asked One-Eye Bart said

Oh, all this packing makes me hungry. What would you say to dinner at, uh, oh, Pizza Planet? Andy's mom said Pizza Planet?! Oh, cool! He drops Woody and Vallia Go wash your hands and I'll get Molly ready Mrs Davis said. Can I bring some toys? Andy asked you can bring two toys Mrs Davis responded only two

Will Woody pick me? Bo said as she picked up a black eight ball she shakes it and a message appears, saying "Don't count on it.

Don't count on it?! Bo groans with anger before she throws the ball down and it rolls over the desk  falling behind it. The thud caught Woody's attention Bo looked down to see the ball wedged at the bottom. Bo turned  her attention to Vallia.

Vallia! Oh, Vallia, Vallia DuBaer!Vallia DuBaer, thank goodness! We've got trouble!

I'm really not the right person to call for this sort of thing Vallia said nonsense you're Vallia DuBaer the daughter of Aron Bo said

Trouble? Where? Buzz asked this doesn't concern you Lightyear Bo growled oh okay Buzz said before walking off

Bo pointed to the place where the ball fell Down there. Just down there. A helpless''s trapped Vallia

I don't see anything Vallia said. Oh, he's there. Just, just keep looking! Bo said What kind of a toy...? Vallia asked turning as Bo wrapped Vallia up in the tape Buzz was using to fix his cardboard ship next Bo grabbed the remote control for RC and sent RC towards Vallia at full throttle.

RC hits the bulletin board. Mr Potato Head gasps as the pushpins fall down and land around Buzz  leaving him unharmed. Then the board falls on the globe and it rolls towards Buzz who runs from it.

Woody watches in horror as Buzz runs from the globe but trips on some colored pencils and falls. He rolled over to the windowsill out of it's way and the globe roll past him and hit a tablelamp which swung around.

Woody ducked his head to avoid getting hit by the lamp but Buzz wasn't so lucky as it knocked him out the window but what nobody knew was Vallia like Buzz was knocked out the window

BUZZ! Rex screams
Buzz! Woody screamed next Vallia who is still wrapped in tape plummets down into some bushes after Buzz beside the house.

I don't see him in the driveway! I think he bounced into Sid's yard Slinky said Oh, Buzz! Rex said as RC revs his engine to talk to the toys.

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