The Nightmare

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Woody, Woody No... No... Get your hands off him. Woody, Woody No... No... Come back to me No... No... Get your hands off him leave him alone

I knew that this was all just a bad dream but it was so vivid it felt so damn real .

I was running. Every now and then I would look back and behind me to check where the darkness was and it was as I rounded the corner that I slammed into Woody. Woody oh thank god you're here thank god you're alive  but as she looked into his eyes she saw something behind him.

Apolla so glad to see you again Thantos don't you dare touch him oh I see you care about him Apolla what would you do to me if I did take him like I did with Aron my little brother.

Thantos I will kill you if you so much as touch a single hair on his head Thantos only chuckled before grabbing Woody's arm Thantos spoke your move Apolla dear he said snapping his fingers there was a chilling scream and he was gone taking Woody with him.

Woody!!! Vallia woke screaming calling the sheriff's name before she once again falling into a state of unconsciousness.

Oh Vallia Woody said running his hands through her honey blonde hair.

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