Chapter 8

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Buzz goes to the back to check on Woody Sheriff Buzz Lightyear said as Vallia quickly removes the big tool box covering Woody to reveal Woody all flattened]

There you are Buzz Lightyear said Now the entrance is heavily guarded. We need a way to get inside. Woody gets up with a cup over his head, coughing

Great idea, Woody. I like your thinking Buzz  said.

You are clear to enter. Welcome to Pizza Planet.

Now! Quickly, guys, the airlock is closing. They make it through just as the door closes which was a little hard for Vallia as she was still trapped in tape.

Jones, party of five: Your shuttle is now boarding at counter 12

[Buzz bumps into Woody] Ow! Watch where you're going! Woody said Sorry.
Woody Vallia and Buzz run between video games and took off their disguises. They look in awe at the arcade games around them with kids playing on them.

What a space port! Good work, guys!
Woody and Vallia look around at the kids playing on arcade games until they heard Andy's voice from a game nearby.

Mom, can I play Black Hole? Please, please, please? Andy asked Andy! Woody and Vallia said What's Black Hole? Mrs Davis Oh, it's so cool... Andy replied

Now we need to find a ship that's headed for Sector 12 Buzz Lightyear said. Wait a minute! No Buzz! This way! There's a special ship. I just saw it! Woody responded. You mean it has hyperdrive? Buzz Lightyear asked

Hyper-active hyperdrive, and astro...uh, turf Vallia responded as Woody watches Andy and his family as they move closer to them. C'mon, c'mon, that's it... Woody said

Where is it? I don't see the -- Buzz started stopping when he then saw a claw game that looks like a rocket. Spaceship! Buzz Lightyear finished

Alright Buzz, get ready, and...
Buzz runs off, unnoticed by Woody who has his eyes on Andy uh Woody Vallia said tapping Woody's shoulder accidentally falling into his arms Woody dipped her low before spinning her around

Okay, Buzz, when I say "go," we're gonna jump in the basket --
He and Vallia noticed that Buzz's not besides them and saw him running towards the claw game

Buzz Vallia said as Buzz jumped through the Prize door Dooh! No! Woody says as Andy rounds the bend
This cannot be happening to me!! Woody groaned as he ran Vallia following behind. Woody had managed to get Vallia out of the many layers of tape.

Buzz climbs up the prize chute and jumps into the middle and found himself face to face with squeaky toy aliens

A stranger! From the outside! Oo-o-o-o-o-o... the Aliens said Greetings. I am Buzz Lightyear. I come in peace Buzz said. Tell us! What is it like outside? The aliens gathered around Buzz excitedly.

Outside, Woody and Vallia waited for some kids to run past then they run over to the claw game and went into the Prize door and peeped over the partition wall.

This is an intergalactic emergency! I need to commandeer your vessel to Sector 12! Who's in charge here? Buzz asked the Aliens

This is an intergalactic emergency! I need to commandeer your vessel to Sector 12! Who's in charge here? Buzz asked the Aliens

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The cla-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-w!! The Aliens said pointing to the claw above them
The claw is our master. The claw chooses who will go and who will stay the Aliens said:

This is ludicrous Woody and Vallia said together as they looked up to where the Aliens were pointing.

Hey, bozo, you got a brain in there? Ha-ha, take that! Sid shouted to the game Oh, no! Sid! Woody says as he jumps on Vallia and Buzz  knocking them off their feet Get down! Woody said as Sid bring out his coins and put them in the machine.

What's gotten into you, Sheriff? I was- Buzz started which was followed by the voice of Woody who cut Buzz off YOU are the one that decided to climb into this --

Sh-h-h-h-h-h. The claw. It moves.
[The claw lowers down and grabs a alien which is on top of Buzz]

I have been chosen!! Farewell, my friends! I go on to a better place.

Gotcha! Sid said A Buzz Lightyear?! No way!

Woody spots a repair door and moves towards it and strains to open it. By the time he manages to open it, Sid lowers the claw towards Buzz and grabs him.

Yes! Sid said as Woody gasps Buzz! No! grabbing onto his feet he started to  pull Buzz down but he lost his grip as the Aliens swarmed him

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Yes! Sid said as Woody gasps Buzz! No! grabbing onto his feet he started to  pull Buzz down but he lost his grip as the Aliens swarmed him. No not today Vallia said as she grabbed Woody's feet and dragged him and Buzz to the repair door

No Sid shouts banging his hand on the glass as Vallia pulls Woody who is still holding onto Buzz's feet downward Hey! Sid shouts.

They have been chosen they must go the Aliens said as the aliens push her back into the claw machine.

Hey! What are you doing? Stop it, you -- ! Stop it, you zealots! Vallia said she knew it was something that Woody would say.  They must go! Do not fight the claw! Do not anger the claw! They have been chosen the Aliens said as Vallia lost her grip and her balance.

Quickly she grabbed Woody's feet again just as he and Buzz got lifted up by the claw and it took them to the Prize door and dropped them.

Alright Sid says as he takes them out of the prize section and looks at his new prizes with evil delight

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Alright Sid says as he takes them out of the prize section and looks at his new prizes with evil delight. Let's go home Ha-ha-ha Sid said before laughing evilly as he shoved the Alien, Buzz, Woody and Vallia into his bag before following his older brother home.

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