Chapter 17

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Vanilla! Woody shouted holding the girl in his arms crying. Thunder rumbles as dark clouds appear over head. I'm so sorry Vallia. He heard some noises behind them he  turned to see the mutant toys converging around Buzz] Buzz! Woody said as he reluctantly let go of Vallia hurrying off the table and over to the mutant toys

Go away, you disgusting freaks! Alright back! Back, you cannibals!
Woody loses his grip on Buzz's arm and falls back, hitting the wall. Buzz is swarmed by the mutant toys. Woody run's over to them with anger

He is still alive, and you're not gonna get him, you monsters! Buzz is revealed and  his arm is reattached to the rest of him. Hey?! Hey, they fixed you! Woody move Buzz's arm to see if what he saw is true.

But -- but they're cannibals. The mutant toys look innocently at Woody who turns to see Vallia right where he left her

Woody ran to Vallia gently scooping her unconscious and limp form into his arms

Uh...sorry. I...I thought that you were gonna... Woody laughs know, eat my friend Woody cried holding Vallia gently rocking her in his arms.

The mutant toys immediately retreat to the dark shadows of Sid's room
Hey! No, no, wait! Hey! What's wrong? Woody asked as he looked down at Vallia's pale face.

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