Chapter 18

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Sid? Woody looked to the door where they heard Sid's voice.

Not now, Mom, I'm BUSY! Sid!!! Woody said as he tries to pick up the still depressed Buzz, but he just went limp. You left the door open! Sid's mom shouted from downstairs Buzz! C'mon, get up! Use your legs! Woody spoke just as they heard Sid's voice again  Hannah left it open!

Woody tried dragging Buzz to the table but the progress is very slow. Fine. Let Sid trash you. But don't blame me Woody said as he leaves Buzz sitting alone in the middle of the floor and hides under a milk crate Vallia he gasped leaving the milk crate grabbing both Vallia's limp hands dragging her twords the milk crate which was quite easy as Vallia weighed very little he was able to safely hide Vallia and himself in the milk crate just as Sid bursts in carrying a box.

It came! It finally came! Sid said. The big one he added reading the rocket as he pulls it out Extremely dangerous. Keep out of reach of children." COOL... Sid says as he looks around. What am I gonna blow? Man...hey, where's that wimpy cowboy doll?

He spots the milk crate on the floor and picks it up but Woody has hid himself and Vallia on the underside of it. Sid steps on Buzz's laser, beeping it. He looked down at Buzz.

Yes! I've always wanted to put a spaceman into orbit. Ha-ha.
[He straps Buzz to the rocket and put a toolbox on the milk crate,

Oh, no...
Sid goes to the window before he smacked his head against the window]

Aw, man!

Woody sighed with relief at this, Sid's face brightens up as he looked at the bad weather. Sid Phillips reporting. Launch of the shuttle has been delayed due to adverse weather conditions at the launch site. Tomorrow's forecast...Sunny Sweet dreams. Sid said laughing evilly.

Ps-s-s-s-t! Psst! Hey, Buzz! Woody said still holding Vallia close to him Woody grabbed a stray washer and flung it at Buzz. It hits his helmet. Buzz looks up.

Hey! Get over here and see if you can get this tool box off me. Buzz just looked away again Oh, come on, Buzz. I...Buzz, we can't do this without you. We need your help Woody said burrying his face in Vallia's Honey blonde locks.

I can't help. I can't help anyone Buzz replied. Why, sure you can, Buzz. You can get us out of here and then I'll get that rocket off you, and we'll make a break for Andy's house Woody said looking down at Vallia.

Andy's house. Sid's house. What's the difference? Buzz asked Oh, Buzz, you've had a big fall. You must not be thinking clearly Woody said clutching Vallia tighter but still gently.

No, Woody, for the first time I am thinking clearly Buzz said looking at himself. You were right all along. I'm not a Space Ranger. I'm just a toy Buzz says as he opens up his wrist communicator. A stupid little insignificant toy.

Woah hey. Being a toy is a lot better than being a, a Space Ranger Woody said. Yeah, right. Buzz replied No, it is. Look, over in that house is a kid who thinks you are the greatest, and it's not because you're a Space Ranger, pal, it's because you're a toy. You are his toy Woody told Buzz. But why would Andy want me? Buzz asked.

Why would Andy want you?! Look at you! You're a Buzz Lightyear. Any other toy would give up his moving parts just to be you. You've got wings, you glow in the dark, you talk, your helmet does that -- that whoosh thing -- you are a COOL toy Woody said.

As a matter of fact you're too cool. I mean -- I mean what chance does a toy like me have against a Buzz Lightyear action figure? All I can do is... Woody said as he pulled his pull-string There's a snake in my boots.

Why would Andy ever want to play with me, when he's got you?

Buzz look up at Woody in surprise. I'm the one that should be strapped to that rocket.

No! Leave me alone! l don't want my powers I don't want to be a Princess Vallia screamed in her sleep Shhh Vanilla you'll be alright Woody said softly slumping dejectedly against the crate, his back to Buzz.

Buzz lifted his foot and looked at Andy's name written on it. He understands what being a toy is all about; to being joy and happiness to a kid. He looks at Woody with determination in his eyes.

Woody is still looking depressed about not be able to compete with Buzz any more]

Listen, Buzz, forget about me. You should get outta here while you can.
There's silence and Woody turn only to see that Buzz is gone.

He looks up hearing clattering  to see Buzz on top of the milk crate, trying to push the toolbox off of it

Buzz!! What are you doing? We thought you were -- Come on, Sheriff. There's a kid over in that house who needs us. Now let's get you out of this thing Buzz said cutting Woody off

Yes, sir Woody said Come on, Buzz! We can do it! Woody strained. Woody! It's the moving van Buzz said. We've got to get out of here... NOW Woody responded.

C'mon, Buzz. Finally there's a gap wide enough for Woody to jump through

He jumps to the ground catching Vallia in his arms as she fell. Buzz! Hey! I'm out! Woody said but Buzz didn't hear him and continued to push the toolbox and milk crate farther out.

Almost there! Buzz said just as Woody looked up just in time to see the toolbox and the milk crate topple towards them. Woody gave a nervous chuckle covering Vallia's limp form just as the toolbox fell on Woody. Buzz look towards Sid who stirred in his sleep.

I wanna ride the pony... Sid says in his sleep causing Buzz to sigh with relief he went over to the edge of the workbench and peered over to look down to see if Woody was okay.

Woody? Are you alright?! Buzz asked as Woody lifts the toolbox off him No, i'm fine. i'm OK Woody said punch-drunk.

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