Chapter 19

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Sid's alarm clock rang, making Woody duck under the toolbox with Vallia still in his arms and Buzz to freeze. Oh, yeah! Time for lift-off! He jumps out of bed, grabs Buzz and bolts out of his room To infinity and beyond! Whoo-hoo! Sid says as Woody ran towards the door and catches it just in time before it closes.

Aaah! Back! Back! Down! Down! Woody shouted to Scud who runs towards Woody. Okay, what do I do? Come on Woody, think! He looks around and saw the mutant toys.

Guys! The mutant toys retreat to hide from him.

No, no, no! Wait! Wait! Listen! Please! There's a good toy down there and he's -- he's going to be blown to bits in a few minutes all because of me. I've gotta save him!-- But I need your help. Please. He's my friend.

Thank you Woody said to Babyface before he turned his attention to the others. Okay. I think I know what to do. We're going to have to break a few rules, but if it works, it'll help everybody.

Houston to Mission Control. Come in, Control. Launch pad is being constructed! Heh-heh Sid laughed speaking like a astronaut.He puts the stuff down next to Buzz who is still inanimate.

All right, listen up. I need Pump Boy here -- Ducky here. Legs? Legs was a fishing rod with doll's legs. You're with Ducky

RollerBob and I don't move till we get the signal. Clear? The mutant toys nodded in agreement.

Wind the frog. A toy car with hands and feet winds up a frog with wheels instead of legs. Ducky, Legs, Mark and Bucky move towards a junction box in front of them. Hand-in-the-Box, a jack-in-the-box with a monster hand glove grabs the doorknob.

Wait for the signal Woody said to the others. Ducky put Legs' hook onto his neck and Legs lower him down to the door. Ducky began swinging back and forth to reach the doorbell til with a big swing, he reaches the doorbell and presses the doorbell sending the signal to Woody and the other mutant toys and it wasn't long before Woody's brilliant plan to rescue Buzz Lightyear was set in motion.

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