Part 1

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It was my first day of school at Hawkins High and I already regretted wearing my old ass cloths and baggy ass pants as soon as I got out of the car. As I walked to First period I put on my head phones and tried to ignore all the people starring at me like I was some homeless person walking through a designer store. 

As soon as I stepped foot in first period the teacher said with an enthusiastic voice "Class this is our new student Madeline." She said as she gestured her hand towards me. Every body's eyes were on me like I was some freak who didn't belong. Well I guess I was some freak that didn't belong.

My mom was poor as fuck, I'm not complaining or anything I love my mom with all of my heart. I lived in the stupid trailer park that had shit electricity. My dad left me and my mom when I was 13 for his dumb assistant.

"Maddy." I said quietly corrected Mrs. Smith "Why don't you introduce yourself?" Mrs. Smith said as she took her seat at her desk. 

As I stood in front of the class I saw some guy and his friends joking and laughing their asses off. "Shit shit shit." I thought of what to say "Well if you REALLY wanted to get to know me I got diagnosed with anxiety and depression when I was 14 and my dad left me and my mom for his assistant. Oh! And his last words to me were 'I wish you were never born you little bitch.' so yeah. I guess I'm not all there in the head if you wanted to say that." I said pretending I wasn't having a panic attack. 

As I walked towards my seat I felt everybody's eyes on me. I took the last seat in the back of the room. Sadly by the two idiot boys that were making jokes earlier. "Ok...well maybe next time don't use so much cuss words." Mrs. Smith said as she stood back up. "Oh no some one got offended by the word bitch." I said sarcastically a little to loud. Next thing I knew the long haired boy next to me was laughing his ass off like I said the funniest thing in the world. "What was that?" Mrs. Smith said with anger in her voice. "Oh sorry, um well there is this thing called freedom of speech and as an American citizen  I have that, so I can't tell you to go suck it bitch." I said angrily and stood up to go the restroom. I didn't mean to be so mean everybody was just looking at me and I didn't know what to do. "Hold on!" Mrs. Smith said as I reached the door. "Oh my god! I bet you freckle face and pretty boy over there has said worse in this class then what I just said. "My name is Steve, but thanks for calling me pretty." the long haired boy yelled from the back of the class. Everybody started to laugh and I just stood there like I was a statue. I walked out of that class flipping Steve off. 

After I practically hid from that teacher in the girls bathroom I went to my locker. Sadly it was right next to Steve and his jack ass friends "Great." I thought as I attempted to open my locker. I punched the locker as hard I could leaving a small dent in the middle of it. If Steve and his looser ass friends didn't notice me before they did now. Steve turned around really fast "Oh look it's Madeline !" freckle face said as he looked at me like I was the most annoying person ever "What pissed off cause it looks like a cow shit all over your face." I said as I slid down to the floor with my back against the lockers. he stood there quietly not knowing what to say. "Oh and freckle face it's Maddy. Don't call me Madeline." I said as I went to put my headphones on. "Damn at least my dad stayed." freckle face said with a very late response to the cow shit joke. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I said as I stood up as fast as I could "Dude Tommy that wasn't cool." Steve said as he looked at Tommy like he was the biggest jack ass. "Well at least I don't flirt with people that are in a relationship. 'pretty boy'. Damn you were right you aren't all there in the head." Tommy said trying to defend himself. "Oh my god you're actually really fucking stupid! I was doing this thing called sarcasm. Do you know what that is?" I said as I walked closer to Tommy. "Dude me and Nance-y aren't a thing anymore. Remember?" Steve said as he sounded kind of really upset. "This school is full of snobs who get shit handed to them immediately after asking for it." I said "I fucking hate this town." I said as I walked away. "BYE MADELINE! IHOPE YOU HAVE FUN WIHT YOUR DAD!" I stopped in my tracks. I turned around and ran towards Tommy "I  SAID DON'T CALL ME THAT YOU LITTLE SHIT FACED BASTARD !" I yelled as I punched Tommy in the face. 

I stood there as Tommy looked at me like I was crazy. I got close to Tommy  to wear our faces were inches away. "Don't you ever call me Madeline again!" I said as I grabbed the color of his shirt. I threw him on the floor and kicked him in the balls before I walked away to my next class. 

*Some time later*

"What the Hell Steve you could've done something."  I heard a familiar voice "Shit!" I thought as I relize it was Tommy sitting directly behind me. "Well you were like a real ass to her. Plus I t was kind of hot how she stood up for herself." Steve said "Ugh that's gross as fuck. They really are stupid how can they tell it's not me?" I said as I sat there trying not to say or turn around as they talked about me. "Her clothes looks like she got them straight out of a dumpster. And her hair is so god dam messy. Also her eye liner was kind of  messed up by like a lot. "Well no shit I was crying my eyes out." I thought as I started to cry again. What the fuck was I supposed to do "I liked her outfit." Steve said as he slid down into his chair again. I relized that I was the dumb ass and relized that Steve was sitting right next to me. I quickly wiped away  my tears and sniffled a bit. 

Half way into the class I leaned my head back in the chair and relized that Tommy's dumb ass probably knew that it was me now. "Shit." I thought as I quickly jerked my head up back towards the front of the room . I felt Tommy's foot kick my chair. I ignored it and tried to pay attention to what ever the hell the teacher was talking about. Steve tossed a paper onto my desk. I was scared to open it. As I unfolded the paper Steve started to laugh a bit. I smiled as I read it and thought that Steve might have bean a little bit smart. The paper read;

Ask freckle face if you can borrow a pencil but then be like "Oh my god did a cow shit on your face?!" really loud. -Steve (duh)

"Hey could I-" I started to ask after I turned around "OH MY GOD DID A COW SHIT ON YOUR FACE OR SOMETHING?!" I said really loud causing the whole class to burst out into laugher. 

*After school*

I stopped by the Family Video to get a movie for me and my cat to watch later. When I turned the corner to look for a horror movie I saw Steve "God why can't I get a brake?" I thought to myself as I started to look for a horror movie. "So you come here often?" Some guy I didn't know asked "Fuck off you look like you could be my dad." I said as I moved closer to Steve and farther from the creep. "So age is just a number." He said as he walked closer to me. "Look I said fuck off." I said as I bumped into Steve almost falling over. "Look man can you just leave?" Steve said as he pushed in front me. "Oh sorry dude." the creep said as he walked out of the store. "Thanks." I said as we both went into an awkward silence "No problem... can we like restart?" Steve asked I was confused as hell "What?" I asked as I turned to face him "Like can I introduce my self properly? So you don't have to call me 'pretty boy' anymore." Steve said as I=he set the movie he was hold back onto the shelf "Uh yeah sure I guess." I said after dying of laughter in my head. He sounded like we were in some cliché high school drama movie. "Hi I'm Steve Harrington." Steve said as he put out his hand out for me to shake his hands "Hi, I'm Maddy." I said as I shook his hand and laughed a little bit. "What's so funny?" Steve asked like he didn't know what the fuck was going on. " I already know your name dumbass." I said before a small awkward moment of silence   "Here you should watch this." Steve said as he handed me a Nightmare on Elm street VHS. "I've seen that like a 1000 times already." I said as I put it back on the shelf. "Alright then what movie haven't you seen?" Steve asked like I was listing movie that I've seen "Uhm the new Evil dead." I said as I looked up at him. "He has really pretty eyes, and a nice smile. Wait what the fuck is wrong with me?" I thought to myself as I started to look for more movies "WHAT?! YOU HAVEN'T SEEN EVIL DEAD?!" Steve said freaking out like it was the worst thing in the world. "Steve shut up everybody is looking at us!" I said as I looked around at the people who were staring at me like I was a alien. "Come with me to see it tonight." Steve asked I had to  think about it for a second "Fine, but my cat is going to be very upset that I missed our movie night." I teased as I turned to look at Steve again. "It's a Friday night? You spend Friday nights watching movies with your cat?" Steve asked like was a crazy cat lady "Yeah well I hate people and new town. I don't know anybody." I said defending myself.


I'll make another part later but this is what I got done so far! Feel free to give me ideas and write coments about some of the parts. Also sorry if some parts don't make sense or the spelling sucks ass, I can't spell to save my life.


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