Part 3

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*later that night*

I woke scared as fuck "god damn it." I thought. I had fucking night mare. I stood up from my bed to go get something to drink from the kitchen. I felt like somebody was watching me as I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. When I turned around I looked around the house I felt scared out of my god damn mind.

I went to my room and sat on my bed next to Pigeon. I tried to lie back down and go back to sleep, but I couldn't. "Why did I have to watch that god damn movie." I thought as I stood back up and went to my phone and dialed Steve's number. "Hello?" Steve asked as in a tired filled voice "Uhm hi... I'm like scared as shit and I can't sleep. Could you come over? Please..." I asked Steve slightly embarrassed. "Uhm...yeah sure." Steve said still tired as fuck.


I jumped when I heard the knock on the front door. I walked to the front door as fast as I could while still tired as fuck.  "Hi! Thank you for coming." I said opening the door to a very tired Steve. "Yeah...uh no problem." Steve said as he walked into my house. I laughed a little bit at the sight if his messy ass hair. "What's so funny?" Steve said as he sat on the couch "Your hair!" I said as I kept laughing "Well...yeah it's a mess I was sleeping." Steve said as he tried to defend himself. "I know, but it still looks funny!" I said as I sat next to him "Well at least I don't call my friend to come spin the night 'cause I'm scared." Steve teased as he picked up Pigeon "Hey! Evil Dead was scary as shit! And I had a scary as nightmare." I said defending myself as I pet Pigeon's head. "What happened?" Steve asked. "I watched you die..." I said as I looked down at my feat. "Oh shit... how?" Steve asked as he looked at me with a sad look on his face. "Well...uhm you were turned into one of those Zombie things and you were trying to kill me. So I had to chop your" I said as I saw the image in my head. "What the fuck?" Steve said with shock. "Yeah.." I said as I laughed a bit. 

"So where am I going to sleep?" Steve asked trying to change the subject " mom is going to kill me if she came home and there was some boy on the couch sleeping, so my room." I said as I stood up "You can have my bed and I'll sleep on the floor." I continued walking to my room with Steve following behind me. 'What?! No... I'll sleep on the floor." Steve protested "Uhm...ok." I said not wanting to argue.  

It was silent as fuck as Steve lied on my floor and I lied on my bed. I still felt like somebody was watching me. "Uhm Steve?" I said hoping Steve was still awake. "Yeah?" Steve said clearly half way asleep. "Uhm could you... sleep on the bed with me?" I said hoping I didn't sound like a total creep "Yeah still scared?" Steve teased as he slowly stood up "Yeah. I feel like somebody's watching me." I said as I looked out my bedroom window that was next to my bed "Oh." Steve said as he closed the curtains before climbing onto my bed. "Thank you." I said as I turned to face the wall "No problem Steve said as he tossed the blanket over him. I instantly fell asleep knowing that if somebody was outside looking into my window than they probably left 'cause Steve was here.

*12 AM*

I woke up to tapping on my window "What the fuck?" I thought as I sat up in my bed. "Steve wake up." I said as I shook Steve awake "Hm." Steve murmured he sat up slowly "I think somebody's outside." I said running my hands through my messy hair "What? Why?" Steve said as he turned to look at the window "I heard tapping on the window." I said as Steve turned to look back on me "Ok...well let's go check it out." Steve said as he stood up "Uhm ok." I said following Steve outside of my room. "Wait." Steve said as he stopped "What?" I said as Steve turned around and I stopped. We were like an inch away from each other "Is your mom home yet?" Steve asked "Uh no she left for her second job already." I said as I looked up at Steve. 

When we opened the front door chills went sown my spine "Steve I'm like really fucking scared." I whispered as Steve quickly turned around "Ok... uhm hold my hand." Steve said as he put his hand out "Ok." i said not second guessing it. As we turned the corner that lead to my bedroom I screamed as loud as I could "WHAT THE FUCK?!" it was the creepy ass man from the video store Steve let go of my hand and tackled the creepy bastard. I ran inside and called the cops.

*1 minute later*

The cops finally showed up. "Why did you keep him like that?" the chief of police said when he saw Steve sitting on the creep. While officer Callahan questioned me i watched the creep drive away from my house. 

When the cops left I burst out into tears. "You ok?" Steve asked as he hugged me. "No Steve I woke up to some creep tapping on my god damn window!" I yelled hugging him back. I felt terrible instantly. "Yeah that was a stupid question Steve teas.

We stood there for about 30 more seconds until my mom drove up. "Oh my god what happened?!" my mom said as I ran and hugged her. "Steve explained what happened as I stood there hugging my mom.  

"I got to the restroom I'll be right back." Steve said as I sat next to my mom on the couch. "Who's he?!" my mom said in a happy filled voice "Steve. He's just a friend!" I said as I smiled and looked down at my feet. "Well he's cute." my mom teased as she elbowed me. "can he stay?" I asked looking up at my mom with the 'pleaseee' face "Fine. But he has to sleep on the floor!" my mom said as she wen to her room.

"So your mom thinks I'm cute?" Steve teased when he came back from the bathroom. "I- uhm she was just joking!" I said as I went wide eyed. "I was joking." Steve said as he sat down next to me.

We were talking about stupid stuff, Steve clearly trying to distract me from the events that just happened. I realized that Steve's hair was still a complete mess. I quickly got up and ran to my room to grab my polaroid from my desk. When I came back Steve looked confused as fuck. I quickly took a picture of Steve with his crazy ass hair. "If anybody sees that Maddy you are so dead!" Steve said as he took the camara from out of my hands "Pose!" Steve teased as I flipped off the camara "There you have an embarrassing picture of me and I have an embarrassing picture of you." Steve said as he took the polaroid out of the camara.


I'm so very sorry about npt posting part 3 I got super busy! I'll make part 4 later!

-C.W. <3

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