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Chapter Six

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By the time I get to the news station, I regret ever agreeing to this interview in the first place

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By the time I get to the news station, I regret ever agreeing to this interview in the first place.

I'm on my third outfit—the first one ruined by a coffee spill and the second ripping just seconds before I was headed out the door. The blue dress I'm in now is itchy and completely miserable in this heat, but it'll have to do. Since I spilled my coffee, I didn't get to drink it, and for a coffee addict like me, that's like a death sentence. My hands are already shaky from the lack of caffeine, and I can feel a raging headache coming on, not to mention I'm exhausted.

For most of the night, I lay awake, replaying my awkward encounter with Tanner at the firehouse and kicking myself for turning him down. I don't know what my problem is. Actually, I do—Tanner's charming and sweet and has a smile that makes my stomach flip every time he flashes it at me. He's a recipe for disaster, and that's exactly why I have to stay away.

It was just a coffee date, but coffee quickly turns into dinner, and then overnight dates, and before you know it, he's got a toothbrush at your place. Then you're meeting each other's families and having big conversations, and in the distance, there's the faint ringing of wedding bells. For a lot of girls, that's the goal, but after my train wreck of an engagement to Zane, the very thought of it has me running for the hills.

Part of me wants to cancel the interview and slink back to the comfort and safety of my bed, but I've pushed my luck enough lately with Michael, so I put on a brave face and go inside. The news building is immaculate, towering nearly thirty stories above me, and all I can see are windows. I'm hit with a wave of cool air as I open the door, which is a nice relief on this blistering Southern California day. Temperatures were much hotter when I was in South Africa, but the heat is more bearable when you're doing something fun, like tracking animals on safari. Today, it just feels suffocating.

At the center of the lobby, a woman sits behind a marble desk, answering phones with her headset.

"Channel Seven News. How can I help you? Channel Seven News. Please Hold."

My heels click-clack against the white tile as I walk toward her, clutching my purse to my side. This place already feels overwhelming, and I've barely walked inside.

"Good morning." The receptionist plasters a mile-wide smile on her lips, glancing up at me. Her teeth are so white, it's nearly blinding. "Welcome to Channel Seven. How can I help you?"

"Good morning. My name is Zoe. I'm here to meet with..."

"Zoe! I know exactly who you are." She stands up and slips her arm inside of mine as if we're old friends and leads me down a hallway. "We're so honored to have you here today. Your work with lions is so amazing, and Maureen is really looking forward to speaking with you."

Her cheerfulness is contagious, and I relax a bit. Maybe this won't be as hellish as I imagined.

"The interview will be in thirty minutes, but Maureen's assistant will come to get you in about twenty to make sure that everything is set. We've got a green room filled with snacks and coffee for you while you wait," she rambles as we pass various studios and meeting rooms before we come to a stop in front of a large black door. There is a gold emblem on the front that reads Green Room.

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