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Chapter Twenty Two

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"Why are you wearing church clothes?"

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"Why are you wearing church clothes?"

As I turn around, I catch the eye of both James and Lucas, who have parked themselves in the doorway to my bedroom, obviously scrutinizing my look for the fundraiser tonight. Personally, I think the fitted navy-blue Armani looks pretty damn good, but the boys have other opinions, and now I'm second guessing my choice. It's not like I had many options. It's rare I have an occasion to wear something like this, and it's a miracle I still have this hanging in my closet from years ago at my brother's wedding.

"What do you mean, church clothes?" I let out a laugh, swiping my wallet off the bed and tucking it into my suit coat.

"He means you only wear clothes like that when we're going to a wedding or funeral..." James arches an eyebrow. "Did someone die?"

"No," I let out a sharp laugh. They're not entirely wrong. "No one died. Tonight is my big fundraiser downtown, remember? That's why you're staying with grandma and grandpa."

James rolls his eyes, appalled at the reminder. "I still don't see why we have to go over there. I'm plenty old enough to watch this little squirt for a few hours." Lucas dodges out of reach as James tries to ruffle his hair.

"Yeah!" He echoes. "All we'd do is stay up and play video games all night."

"Which is exactly what I'm afraid of." They're close on my heals as we head down the stairs. If I don't leave in the next five minutes, I'll be late to pick up Zoe. "You're going to have fun over there, you always do. Grab your stuff so we're not late."

A few minutes later, we pile in the truck and head toward my parents' house. I've got to admit, it's nice having them so close, even if they overstep sometimes. I'm not sure I'll ever have my life settled enough to be up to their standards, but all things considered, we're doing pretty well.

Once I drop the boys off, I start the drive to Zoe's. With each passing mile, my heart pounds harder in my chest and I'm so antsy I can barely sit still. It's not nerves, though. It's just pure excitement and anticipation.

Tonight is a big night. I'm bringing Zoe deeper into my world by introducing her to my friends and it's had me buzzing the last few days. Not to mention that after the way we left things the other night, I have high hopes that tonight is finally the night we cross that line.

My cock twitches just thinking about it. Taking it slow was the right thing to do, but I know as soon as those flood gates open, I'll be even more infatuated with Zoe than I already am. All the waiting. All the restraint. All the nights I've gone to bed aching, wishing she were lying there next to me. All the times I pictured her flawless, naked body wrapped up in mine. It'll all be worth it tonight.

Zoe's house is lit up at the end of the street, and I park the truck in front of her house. She takes a few minutes to answer after I knock, but when she finally does, my breath hitches. Holy shit.

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