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Chapter Twenty Four

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Gwen really has impeccable timing

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Gwen really has impeccable timing.

Never in my wildest dreams did I expect her to be at the fundraiser tonight, and judging by Tanner's sheet white face, neither did he.

"What the hell are you doing here?" His furious glare lands on Gwen, his entire demeanor changing in her presence. Just like the night at his house, it catches me a little off guard because it's such a far cry from the sweet and endearing Tanner I've come to know.

There is a thin line between love and hate, and part of me wonders how close Tanner tows that line. Does he react so explosively to her because he still has feelings for her? They were married for a long time, so it wouldn't be that big of a stretch. The thought is gone before I can even properly form it, because Tanner wraps a possessive arm around me, pressing my body into his. He leaves no question, and I catch a hint of humility on Gwen's face.

Just a hint, though.

In a black velvet cocktail dress and sky-high heals, she stands in front of us, poised for confrontation. Every bit of her is intense, from her blood-red lips to her dark, pinned back hair, but it's the look in her eye that rattles me. She looks at Tanner like she's a lion stalking its prey, and right now, I'm the only thing standing in her way. Intimidation and doubt creep into my chest, but I force the feelings down as the three of us face off.

"Oh, come on." Gwen's lips turn into a wicked, painted smile. "Don't act so surprised to see me. You know I love this type of thing. I'm all about supporting our first responders."

Tanner lets out a sharp laugh. "That must be new."

"Chloe," Gwen turns her Cheshire cat grin towards me and my stomach flips. "What a surprise to see you here."

"It's Zoe, actually." I press my lips into a tight smile, choosing the high road. The last thing Tanner needs is a scene, and it seems that's what his ex-wife is fishing for.

"She knows that." Tanner studies Gwen carefully, his grip on me tightening. "She just likes playing immature playground games."

"Ouch," Gwen scoffs, feigning hurt. "If I remember right, you used to love my playful side."

"Come on," Tanner ignores her taunting, ushering me away from registration and back toward our table. Our interaction ends as quickly as it began."Let's go sit down and try to forget this ever happened."

"Nice to see you again, Zoe!" Gwen calls loudly, drawing attention to us as she waves. "Have a good evening!"

"I'm so sorry." Tanner gushes the second we're a safe distance away. "I had no idea she was going to be here."

I shake my head, stopping him before he can go any farther. Gwen has a special way of getting him all worked up, and no good can come from a conversation between the two right now. "You don't need to be sorry. It's really okay."

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