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Chapter Twenty Three

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"Absolutely not

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"Absolutely not."

I want to laugh, but there isn't the slightest indication that Morgan is kidding when he asks me to be in the Win-A-Date-With-A-Firefighter auction tonight. Apparently, Diaz is sick and they need to find his replacement. And if Morgan is calling me, they must really be desperate to fill the spot.

I don't see him volunteering, though.

"Come on." He pries. "It won't be that bad! Maybe even a little fun."

I get where he's coming from, I really do. This is one of our biggest fundraisers and sets up the entire budget for the next year, but that doesn't mean I'm going to parade around on a catwalk with my shirt off while drunk women—and men—bid on a date with me.

If they're so desperate, why isn't Morgan volunteering? I have a feeling he's getting at something bigger here, but maybe I'm just on edge. Those stolen moments with Zoe have me completely on edge, and this is the last thing I want to be dealing with. "I really can't, Morgan. My girlfriend is coming with me."

"Don't you want to be a team player, Hall?"

There it is. The ace up his sleeve.

Morgan is a bastard, and he knows exactly what he's doing here. I'm not interested in his stupid games, but unfortunately, I am interested in getting my job back. Whatever it takes.

"Fine." I say, through gritted teeth. If he thinks this is going to be the thing that breaks me, he's dead wrong. I've walked through fire—literally—to get to the point I'm at and no one is going to take that from me. Especially not a power hungry battalion chief who is looking for a public scapegoat.

"Great." I can almost hear him smirking through the damn phone. "Come see me when you get here."

Shoving my phone into my pocket, I check myself in the mirror and wipe the remnants of Zoe's lipstick off of my neck. All I have to do is get through the next few hours and then we can come back here and finish what we started. But with Morgan throwing a wrench in my plan to duck out early, that's certainly easier said than done.

Zoe steps out from the hallway and flashes me a sparkling grin.

Luckily for him, I am so damn high on this woman that not even Morgan and his petty antics can bring me down. One look in those eyes and all the bullshit fades away.

She sheepishly tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "Do I look okay?"

Okay is the understatement of the century. One look at her takes my breath away and leaves me burning with insatiable desire.

"Absolutely perfect." Putting my hand to her chin, I angle it upward and press a gentle kiss to her lips. "I kind of prefer the smudged make-up look from a few minutes ago, but this is a close second."

"Let's get out of here." The suggestive blush on her cheek deepens as she reaches for my hand.

Zoe locks the house up, and soon we're on our way. She tells me about her day as we drive and the closer we get, a familiar rush flutters through me. Is that adrenaline? Am I actually excited about this stupid event? Bringing her into my world like this feels like taking a big step and, with Zoe, that doesn't feel as daunting as it has in the past. In fact, it feels electrifying. I can't wait to show her off tonight.

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