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Chapter Sixteen

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I hate admitting I'm wrong

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I hate admitting I'm wrong. I hate it even more when it means admitting that my scumbag ex fiancé is right. But as I sit in front of Miko's cage and watch him gnaw on the frozen bone I slipped him as an extra treat, it dawns on me that I might have to swallow my pride on this one.

Only for the sake of Miko and the other cats in the program.

For six hours today, I sat in a stiff office chair with leather that sticks to the backs of my legs and a gear so squeaky that the entire room knew anytime I tried to move. Four more veterinarians filed in, each boasting his or her credentials and desperate to convince the panel that they were the right candidate for the job. I was desperate for that, too. For anyone other than Zane to prove they were good enough for the position and swipe it right out from underneath him.

I was just sure we'd find someone else, and when it happened, I wanted to be the one to deliver the news to Zane myself. To tell him we had someone better. Someone smarter, someone more experienced, someone who blew him right out of the water. Seeing his face when I knocked his ego down a few pegs would be a sweet revenge and as the afternoon went on, I was almost giddy as I pictured how it would all go down.

The only problem was that never happened. Every other vet who walked through our doors was lackluster and not a single other person was even in the running by the end of the day.

Underqualified. Not as personable. Wanted too much money. One who even thought our "Feline" program meant he'd be working on house cats.

There was something off with every single candidate besides Zane, and as much as I tried to justify the others, it was clear he was the perfect fit. As terrible of a person as he was, he was a brilliant vet, and the animals we were going to serve deserved the best of the best. I could lay it all out to Michael and he'd probably take my side, but that meant settling for a mediocre quality of care.

Standing here watching Miko, it's painfully obvious that if I really want this program to succeed, then I'm going to have to find a way to work with Zane again.

The thought of it has me in absolute tail spin as I lock up and head out for the night. All I can think about is the half empty bottle of red wine and brand new bubble bath waiting for me at home.

As I get closer to my car in the employee parking lot, I see something on the hood. I can't make out what it is at first, but when I'm about ten yards away, a coffee cup and a small bouquet take shape. The coffee's gone cold, but it's exactly how I like it, and the flowers are nearly identical to the ones Tanner bought me the other night.

My stomach flutters as I reach for the card, running my fingertips over his words.

Sorry you missed lunch. Excited to see you soon!

A fierce smile tugs at the corner of my lips. Even after canceling our lunch date, he was still thinking of me and brought these by. The gesture is so sweet and subtle that it almost disarms me. Even when things were good with Zane, he never did little things like this. In fact, no man I've ever dated has been so intentional and attentive, as Tanner is already treating me.

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