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Chapter Ten

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"You know, when I told you to find a job, I meant one I didn't have to participate in," I groan, hoisting the lawn mower out of my truck

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"You know, when I told you to find a job, I meant one I didn't have to participate in," I groan, hoisting the lawn mower out of my truck.

Fresh off another forty-eight at the firehouse, James and Lucas met me at the door this morning, raring to go. Gwen and I are a united front about a few things when it comes to the boys, and one of those is that James has to earn a car if he wants one when he turns sixteen. We made a deal that we'd match whatever he makes, but truthfully, I'm not expecting much. At his age, he's much more interested in sleeping in and playing video games, and in true James fashion, I thought he'd wait until the very last second and then be scrambling.

When he told me he was starting a lawn mowing business and he'd conned his little brother into helping for a dollar a week, I was floored. Today is their first gig, and naturally, they need help. As tired as I am, I'm proud as hell of them for doing this, and the teasing is all in fun.

James shoots me a wide grin. "Well, if I had a truck of my own, we wouldn't need you to drive us."

Well, damn. I walked right into that one.

"Just make this quick." I chuckle, settling back into the cab. I planned to nap, but I couldn't help but watch them with a big, goofy smile on my face. As a parent, one of the coolest things is to watch your children grow up to be good people, and as I watch the two of them working together, laughing and joking around, I realize that's what I'm seeing. Not a single second of fatherhood has been easy, but it's sure as hell worth it.

With Gwen in town, the boys have been spending a lot of time with her, and I haven't seen much of them. Usually, I'm the stable parent. The calm to Gwen's storm. The rock they can count on. The one who has to say no, who has to lay down the rules and consequences. The responsible one. And then Gwen sweeps in and showers them with gifts and does whatever they want and gets to be the hero. It's frustrating, but they know I'm their safe space, and that's all that matters.

Finally, James gets the mower started, and they get to work. My mind travels to lunch with Zoe the other day, and suddenly, it's all I can think about. She's been running through my mind nonstop since then and has made it hard to focus on anything else. The slow shift didn't help matters, and all I'd been left to do for the last two days was wonder what she was up to. Does she get up early in the morning? Go for a run? Is she a breakfast person, or does she opt for just a cup of coffee? What does a typical day look like when she isn't working? Does she live near the water? Does she even like the beach? I want to know every single detail about Zoe, nothing too small or insignificant.

Over the last few days, I'd missed her an embarrassing amount, and how I survived is beyond me. Luckily, I don't have to worry about it anymore after today. I'm calling her first thing in the morning to find out when I can see her again, and then I'm never taking Brooks' advice ever again.

I know I'm in deep when the woman who owns this house even looks like Zoe. She's leaning over the porch holding a cup of coffee, chatting with Lucas as James pushes the mower across the lawn. So much for helping his brother.

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