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Chapter Forty Three

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"How long is Zoe going to stay with us?" Lucas asks, sliding onto the bar stool at our kitchen island as he reaches for the Oreo package. Swiping it away from him, I hand him an omelet instead.

Hopefully she stays forever.

"I'm not sure, bud. At least until her house is released. Sometimes that can take a while."

"At least?" James eyes me carefully, reading into my response, and he's automatically suspicious. This has been a little confusing for him, and I can tell he thinks Zoe's presence here has more to do with our relationship than anything else.

"She might not want to go back right away. It can be pretty scary after someone breaks into your house and she might need some time to get over that. Is it okay that she's here?"

James shrugs. It's not a yes, but it's not a no either. They really should make you take a mind reading class when you have teenagers because they never actually say what they mean and you're always left guessing. Luckily, I can read him pretty well, and he seems pretty indifferent about the whole thing.

"Well, I like it when she's here. She's way better at science than you." Lucas jumps in. "Like way better. No offense, dad."

"That's because she's literally a scientist." James rolls his eyes, reaching for an omelet himself. "She's also a better cook."

I let out a sharp laugh. Despite his dig at me, I'm thankful to have the conversation diverted without having to backtrack with James, who seems to move on. As much as I selfishly want Zoe to stay, I'm a long ways away from having that conversation with the boys, and even longer away from it actually happening.

Obviously, the circumstances aren't the best, but having Zoe here for the last few days has been incredible. Waking up to her every morning feels like a dream, and seeing her with the boys is even better. It's the family unit I always wanted for them, and now that I have a taste, I don't know how I'll go back to anything else.

"Well, thanks for the confidence boost, boys." I chuckle. "Finish up, you're going to be late for the bus."

"You know, we wouldn't have to be taking the bus if I had a car..."

"And you know you'd already have a car if you didn't go down the vandalism route a few weeks ago." I remind him. So much for all that savings he built up. I could only convince Zoe to let him pay for the window, but it was enough to make sure he learned his lesson.

James grumbles, shoving the last pieces of omelet into his mouth before hopping down and grabbing his backpack.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Lucas calls, scrambling after him. Soon, they're both out the door and heading down the street to the bus stop. I can't help but laugh at how their relationship so closely mirrors mine and my brothers' growing up. The thought reminds me that I should give them a call. It's been a long time since I've talked to either Ty or Tate, and they might have some good advice for me in the Morgan department.

Ty doesn't live in California anymore, but he's in one of the biggest fire districts in all of New York, and the politics are something he deals with on a daily basis. And Tate is mostly in wildfires now, but he actually worked for Morgan back when Morgan was just a squad captain.

As I start cleaning up, I hear footsteps on the stairs, and soon, Zoe appears. She's freshly showered, the sweet vanilla smell of her shampoo filling the air, and a pair of workout clothes and her tennis shoes on. With a light coat of makeup, she looks like she's headed out somewhere, too.

In the three days that she's been here, she hasn't left the house much, and I can't say that I blame her. We haven't had a promising update from Ruiz about finding Zane and with him still in the wind, she's in danger every time she steps out the door. I know she thinks I'm overreacting, but I won't take any chances where she is concerned. He's already gotten too close for comfort and it won't happen again.

"Good morning!" I smile, pouring her a cup of coffee. "How'd you sleep?"

"I slept great." She sighs with relief. "I think it's the first night I've gotten more than a few hours since the break in."

"Good. I'm glad you could get some rest."

"Are the boys already gone?" Zoe sips on her coffee, leaning against the counter.

I nod. "Yeah, you looked so peaceful when I got up that I didn't want to disturb you. They left a few minutes ago. What do you have planned for today?"

"Ruiz asked if I could meet him down at the station. I don't know if he has much more news, but I want to see where things are with the house and when I can get back in it. They've got to be done processing it soon, don't you think?"

"I'm sure they are, but you don't have to rush out of here, you know. You're welcome to stay as long as you want." Coming around the counter, I slip my arm around her waist, planting a proper kiss on her sweet lips. I stop short of anything else because we both have things to do today.

"I know." Her lips curl into a sweet smile. "And I appreciate that. I just think... it'll help me to get back into my usual routine, you know? Right now, I just feel like I'm hiding out from Zane and if I waste time doing that, it's like he's won. And I don't want to make things hard on you and the boys."

Zoe is so fiercely independent and watching her cope with this has been tough. I'm used to fixing things, but the trauma of this isn't something I can just slap a bandaid on. She feels hurt and betrayed and I could beat Zane until he's black and blue and inside out, but it won't make those feelings go away. It might make my own anger and rage go away, but it won't do much for Zoe, which is the only reason I haven't done so already. I'd love to get my hands on that asshole and make him regret ever speaking to Zoe in the first place.

"Babe, I know you just want to move on, but it's okay to slow down and process this. It was a really traumatic experience and if you want to hide out for a few days, then you have every right to. There's no rush." Coming from me, this must sound rich. "Aren't you the one always riding me about taking it easy?"

She softens. "Speaking of that, how is your knee? When is your appointment?"

Only because I knew she wouldn't let it go, I actually scheduled a follow up with my doctor. "I'm going to go in this afternoon and get the all clear. But seriously, Zo. Please take this slow. If Ruiz says you can go back to your house, that's great, but don't be in a rush to leave because you think you're an inconvenience."

"Thank you." She squeezes my hand. "I'm sure it's hard for the boys to understand, too."

"Believe me, they're thrilled to have you here. Already this morning I've been told I'm not nearly as smart as you and you're a way better cook. I think they might prefer it if I left instead." I laugh.

"Oh, stop. Those boys think you walk on water." Zoe playfully slaps my shoulder. "I do have to admit, it's been nice to be in a full house again. It's been a long time since I lived with anybody else and sometimes my place gets a little lonely."

"It sure would make things more convenient if you were here full time." I arch my eyebrow. "Less driving. More time for sex."

"Ah, you do make a good point, but I was thinking about all the money we'd save on mortgages." She clicks her tongue.

"See, and this is why the boys think you're smarter than me. Always gotta one up me with logic."

"That's because I think with my brain, and you think with an entirely different head." She smirks, hopping off the bar stool. She gives me a quick kiss as she grabs her purse. "Will you call me after your appointment and let me know how it goes?"

I can't help but roll my eyes. "Zoe, please just focus on what you've got going on today. I'll call you, but you've got to stop worrying. How about you call me after your meeting with Ruiz?"

"Deal." She smiles. "Have a good day!"

"You too, babe." I kiss her one last time before she disappears out the door. Part of me wants to follow her and be sure that she gets there okay, but even I realize that's a little overkill. She's on her way to the police station, after all, and I know Ruiz will take care of her.

Hopefully, they've finally got Zane in custody and we end this once and for all.

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