Chapter Three

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The very last place you were expecting to be was the Stark Tower. When Tony held the door open for you, and you carefully climbed out, your lips parted, in total shock at where you were.

"The-you're taking me to the Stark Tower?!" you squeaked.

"What else did you expect?" he jokes with a wink, Happy retrieving your bags from the trunk. "Trust me, it looks better on the inside, let's go."

You nod and follow them inside the tall tower, stopping once the three of you come in. A light emits from the ceiling, just over your head.

"Sir, I've detected someone entering with unauthorized access," the voice of what you assume is an AI from the slightly noticeable echo, pointing a laser at you.

"No need to shoot her, JARV," Tony assures, waving the intelligence off. "Change her access orders. Full access."

"I will need a name for her first," JARVIS requests. It's only then that the billionaire realized that he'd taken you in without getting your name.

"Right, go ahead kiddo."

You clear your throat, lifting your head to speak to the ceiling. "Um, (Y/n). (Y/n)...(L/n)." A few processing sounds go through, a confirmation that you'd been saved in the database.

"Miss (L/n) is now cleared for access throughout the entire compound," JARVIS announces, a tablet whizzing towards your left side. "Just place your hand here for a security scan."

Hesitantly, you hover your hand over the device before placing it all the way down, a red light moving up and down until it disappears, and you lift your hand.

"You are now free to roam around."

"Thank you, JARVIS," you say quietly, thinking of how weird you must seem. What surprises you is that he actually responds back.

"My pleasure. It's nice to meet you."

Tony then guides you in the direction of the elevator, its silver color and eye-catching design enthralling. He presses a button to the 15th floor, and you jump slightly once it starts moving upwards.

"Just a heads up, (y/n)," he suddenly adds. "There'll be quite a few of us in the next few days. A lot of other heroes are coming to stay here in New York just in case anymore world takeovers happen, if you can even call us that just yet."

"That's fine with me," you tell him, fiddling with a backpack strap, and soon enough, you were in a really comfy looking lounge area, admiring it as you walked inside.

Tony was right. If this room alone had you speechless, you could only imagine what would happen when you saw the rest of the interior.

"You can sit your stuff here, and take it up to your room later," he says. "Make yourself comfortable."

The cases of luggage were sitting behind one of the sofas, and then you stood awkwardly, you'd never been in a house like this. Even the air in it looked expensive. Just as you were about to sit down, a woman with fiery red hair appeared from one of the other rooms.

"Who's this?" she asks, voice laced with a Russian accent.

"This is our new guest, (y/n)," Tony introduces you, waving a hand for effect. "She's a kid. And our guest."

"I'm actually 19," you inform him.

"Like I said, she's a kid."

"I didn't think you were the type to pick up strays, Stark," the red headed woman jokes, crossing her arms.

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