Chapter Eight

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When you open the door that Natasha directed you to, the lights were on, giving you a chance to give the room a full scan. It was a nicely sized office space, not too messy, but not exactly clean either. Directly across from the door was a woman with blonde hair, folding and sorting though some papers, her head rising at the sound of your footsteps getting louder.

"Hi, you must be (y/n)," she addresses you, offering a warm smile. "I'm Pepper."

"Nice to meet you," you respond, going over to shake the hand that she extends to you.

"Pep," you hear Tony's voice call from somewhere within the room. "Is that the kid?" You lower your head in amusement, you were never going to get away from that nickname. Once he's in sight, his eyes land on you, then turn over to the woman he's standing beside. "Did you give her the thing?"

"No, let me do that now," Pepper says, walking back over to the desk and pulling a small white envelope off it, coming back to hand it to you. As it's placed in your hands, you give Tony a confused look, to which he counters with his own look, urging you to open it up. You obey, untucking the flap and peering inside. There's a small piece of paper inside, curiosity prompting you to pull it out and examine it. Your eyes widen at what it is.

"A check? For $500,000?" Your hands lower to get a glimpse of both Tony and Pepper nodding in unison. "Why?"

"Well, I'm supposed to be helping you out, right?" Tony reasons. "Plus, I wanted to surprise you with a little something for your first successful project."

"I would've been happy with a simple pizza night or something," you frown, trying to pass the envelope back. "It's way too much, I can't take this."

"See, I told you she'd say that," he whispers (not very quietly though) to Pepper. "You're way too humble sweetheart, we've gotta work on that. In any event, you kind of have no choice but to keep it anyways."

"What? Why?"

"Because there's a bank account in your name now with the exact same amount of money in it, officially installed as of yesterday."

You had no idea what to say anymore, mouth opening and closing due to a lack of words. "I-wait, so- so why give me this if you finalized it anyways?"

"Had to tell you somehow," he shrugs, placing his glasses back on his face. "Don't look so happy, by the way, it's not a big deal." Those words somehow manage to put a smile on your face as laughter bubbles up in your throat. Out of pure joy and appreciation, you throw arms around Tony in a hug.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark."

"That's more like it," he jokes, giving you a little squeeze. "Also, from here on out, it's Tony from now on. The Mr. Stark thing is getting weird."

You lift a brow in half amusement and half confusion but choose not to question it. "Okay. Thank you, Tony."

"Much better." You then turn to face the woman next to you.

"And it was nice meeting you, Miss-"

"Just Pepper," she stops you, pulling you in for a hug. "You're family here, sweetie."

"Family," you repeat, slowly nodding as a soft smile creeps in while your arms circle around her motherly feeling embrace. "I like the sound of that."


Not too long after, you found yourself on the couch with Steve, reading books while he read a newspaper, the two of you sitting in a peaceful silence until Thor came in, his thunderous greeting breaking the little quiet bubble.

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