Chapter Five

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The knife in your hand slipped as you blanked out, and it probably would've sliced clean through your foot if it weren't for Wanda's eyes catching it as it descended, a scarlet-colored light engulfing the utensil and moving it aside before any damage could be done.

Meanwhile, you stood frozen in the same spot, unable to process any of the incoming emotions as they hit you like a wave at the sight of this man's very recognizable face. Part of you wanted to deliver a good blow to his face but couldn't muster up the strength to make a move towards him.

Instead, you picked up the knife from the floor like nothing happened, and with a shaky breath, turned back to face everyone.

"I...finished up breakfast," you push out, a painfully forced smile trying to mask how uneasy you really felt. "I'll be in my room if anyone needs me." And without looking back, you went away to put the knife back in the kitchen, then make a straight shot to your bedroom.

"Thank you, Point Break, for scaring away my kid with your evil brother," Tony says sarcastically, the repulsor element of his suit latched onto his hands, ready to fire at any given moment.

"I assure you; Loki comes meaning no harm," Thor says to put everyone's mind at peace. Loki rolls his eyes, but chooses not to say anything, simply observing their interaction.

"I'm sorry, are we talking about the same Loki?" Sam questions, crossing his arms. "As in the same guy who killed people and tried to conquer a whole planet just months ago? That Loki?"

"Yeah Thor," Tony continues. "I thought 'daddy' was supposed to have your emo brother over there sentenced to an Asgardian prison?"

"That was the original decision, yes," Thor nods. "But our mother-"

"Your mother." Loki now finds the need to butt in, the words leaving his mouth with a strong bitter taste behind them.

"Enough, Loki," his brother hushes him, and he complies without argument, not even caring that much at the moment. "Our mother...was able to convince the All-Father of allowing Loki to return to Midgard and conduct his sentence by repairing the damage he's done."

"And he agreed?" Steve asks in surprise.

"She's a very...convincing woman."

"I still don't see how that's our problem," Tony frowns, ready for this to be over with.

"If Loki is to stay here, he will need proper supervision," the Asgardian carries on.

"Not here, I hope," Bucky grumbles, only concerned for the safety of his little sister at the moment. "He obviously makes (Y/n) uncomfortable."

"Who's (Y/n)?"

"The kid that just left the room, genius," Tony sighs exasperatedly, pinching the bridge of his nose. "However, I do agree with metal-man over there."

"Please," Thor pleads. "I understand that this wasn't what any of you expected, but if you all could find it where you could at least give it just one chance, I-"

"Alright, we get it, stop begging. I'll...have to talk to the kid first." Stark lets his hands rest, the others taking it as a signal to do the same. "If she can't handle him being here, there's always the Raft. But...we'll try something, I guess." Happy with the possibility of a good outcome, Thor nods in appreciation. "On one condition. For now, his psycho magical self stays in a cell. JARVIS, add some extra security measures around the area, make sure that thing doesn't get out."

"Ouch," Loki says, smiling sarcastically before being pulled away.


You don't know how long you were in your room, lost in your thoughts, but the moment came to an end when a rapid knocking hit your door.

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