Chapter Thirteen

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A couple of days had passed by, and back on the day that the others came back home from their mission, you bolted into your room to hide there, not really wanting to relate the whole "how'd it go?" Literally, you were avoiding it like the plague.

However, Natasha noticed exactly what you were doing, noticed all the times you'd sneak downstairs and grab something to eat, and if you got spotted, would make quick to leave the conversation and hide out in your room, or use the excuse that you were still tired.

That's why, once everyone had fallen asleep, she had come to confront you. And, obviously, you weren't happy about it in the slightest.

"What the-" you jumped at the sound of the door being flung open, banging against the wall. Cautiously, you flipped on the light switch and took a moment to study the figure standing in the doorway. "Oh, it's just you."

"What happened Monday?" she instantly questioned, getting straight to the point. She stepped into the room further, just enough to where she could shut the door.

"Huh?" you murmured groggily, only now sitting up straight in the bed. "Monday?"

"Yes, Monday. After you babysat Loki?" Natasha inquired further. "You're acting funny."

"How do you know that?"

"I'm a spy, I was trained to be observant when it comes to people." By now, she had scooted you over, moving to sit on the soft mattress beside you. "So, what happened?"

"I just..." you hesitated, searching for a way to best explain your feelings. "He brought up my mother."

"He did what?" The look on Natasha's face screamed offense, even she was upset for you.

"Yeah. And he called me a killer...and a danger. I've tried, Nat. Then he acts like he wants to cooperate, but 5 minutes later, he's pulling something completely stupid, and it's so difficult dealing with that." You dragged your palms down your face, leaning back into one of the pillows.

"Honey, you know the things he told you aren't true, right?" Nat asks, wrapping a comforting arm around your shoulder. "He's the God of lies for a reason. Your mother didn't believe that, and we don't, and you shouldn't either."

You shook your head, a half amused smile decorating it. "But maybe he is." You stared at the hand resting on your leg, watching as faint blue lines floated around it slowly. "Every time I use my powers, someone gets hurt."

"No, (y/n), that's not true. That mission with me and Steve? Your powers saved us. Who knows what could've happened if that force field didn't cover us in time." You glanced at Nat through the in the half lit room, giving her a nod that showed you understood. "You are a good person, (y/n), and all good people have a rocky start. The entire tower can attest to that statement."

"Thanks, Nat," you smiled wistfully, leaning in further as she squeezed your shoulder. "Can I ask you a question, though?"

"Ask away."

"Why do me and Loki have to 'get along?'"

Natasha pulled back slowly, the look on her face showing she was debating on giving you the answer or not.

"Truth is, we were going to send the two of you on a mission of your own," she finally explained, and you raised an eyebrow.

"A mission? Loki?"

"As unideal as it sounds, yes. But the two of you were our best and safest choices."

"Wait," you stopped her, curiosity creeping in even further. "What's the mission, then?"

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