Chapter Seven

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That following day, your alarm woke you up.

And by alarm, I mean Steve relentlessly beating you with couch pillows.

You catch one of them as you sit up, throwing it back at him. "Steven Grant Rogers, what the actual heck?"

"It's time to get up," he urges, pulling the comforter back. "We agreed to start going for runs today."

"Yes, which is why I set an alarm," you deadpan, grabbing your phone off the nightstand to check the time. "In two and a half more hours. Steve, it's 5 in the freaking morning."

"This is when we start the day," Steve insists.

"Who is this we?"

"Me, Sam, and Bucky. Although, they get the day off, since it'll just be me and you today, show you the ropes first."

"Lucky them," you groan, yanking the covers back against your body and slumping back into the bed, yelping when Steve hits you with a pillow again, lifting yourself back up. "Alright, fine! Go and put those pillows back on the couch, I'll be out in a bit."

"You've got 15 minutes," he tells you, smacking you over the head with the pillow one last time before smugly exiting your room, shutting the door behind him.

"I am going to kill that man."


Now with some more 'going for an early morning run' fitting clothes, you were being unwillingly dragged downstairs by Steve to get some coffee, because according to the super soldier, there was a big day in store.

"Oh, you two are awake anyways," he says, finding Bucky and Sam sitting at the bar, already sipping some coffee.

"Yeah, we weren't about to miss (Y/n)'s first day of training," Bucky answers with a smile.

"Woah, woah, woah," you stop him, snapping your head to Steve with a glare. "Training?"

"Well yeah," Steve starts. "You live with us now, and as long as you do, there's always gonna be a possibility of a threat to your safety, and we won't be there with you all the time if something does happen. Training you and teaching you how to fight is purely for your safety."

"He said we were going for a run," you mutter to Sam and Bucky, aggressively sipping the cup of coffee that was passed to you.

"You'll do fine," Sam assures, patting you on the back.

"Hurry up, we don't wanna be late," Steve reminds you, already putting his mug in the sink.

"Bite me, you didn't warn me of all this," you hiss, trying to down your own drink without burning your tongue. "Where are we going anyways?"

"A track about 25 minutes from here. We're taking one of Tony's cars."

A gasp of fake surprise leaves your lips. "You know how to drive something that isn't a horse or a little buggy?"

"You're absolutely hilarious," he retorts, giving you a phony smile, the other two cracking up at your joke. "C'mon, let's go."

Moments later, you were finished and half-awake, throwing on a comfortable pair of shoes before following Steve out to the garage. You were impressed with his knowledge of how to drive a modern car, to say the least. If only he put that same energy into working a cell phone.

Steve parks in the little lot that the track had specifically for those who came by car upon arrival, and quickly rushed you out to start. Your first lap around the track was timed, the super soldier explaining that it would take an average person like you about 30 minutes to run full course around it, but to his surprise, it only took you about 11, fully impressing him, because you didn't really seem like the running type.

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