Chapter Twelve

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"Thor, I'm telling you-"

"There's nothing you can do to get me to reconsider, Lady (Y/n)."

"Why won't you just listen to me?"

"Because Toaster Strudels are not better than Pop Tarts."

"That's a lie," you huffed, pulling some out of the freezer just to prove your point. "Strudels literally have donut like frosting."

"Whatever you say," Thor smirks, patting your head jokingly while he pulls out his own snack.

Suddenly, there were 3 different pairs of footsteps, which you were able to tell for some unknown reason. Curiously, you poked your head around the corner, noticing Tony and Steve talking with...Loki? Okay, that was new. To top it off, Tony was muttering some rather colorful things under his breath about 'being forced to socialize with him' or something like that, until Steve shot him one of his famous Captain looks and he kept his mouth shut.

"Woah, is your brother in trouble or something?" you whispered to Thor, who came over and hovered over you, head poked out and lying on top of yours.

"I thought he was behaving," he replied. "Then again, he is known for trickery."

"You seemed willing to give him a chance yesterday."

Thor chuckles, backing away from you, prompting you to turn around. "Lady (Y/n), while my brother has done some...twisted things, I still have faith in him."

"Because you don't abandon family," you quoted with a hint of a smile, sliding over to the counter at the sound of the toaster popping.

"Are you asking me or telling me?"

You throw your head back, laughing. "No, no, I was quoting a line from this show I used to watch. It seemed proper for the conversation."

"Right," Thor hums, taking the hot and ready Pop Tarts you slid him. "I think I have much to learn about Midgardian entertainment."

"So much, buddy," you snicker. "Way too much."


"(Y/n)? Can you come here for a second?"

With a small exhale, you detach yourself from the couch and came to Tony's aid in his office, locating him with the help of JARVIS. To your surprise, Steve and Loki were still there, the latter seeming quite displeased. "Yeah?"

"Sit down," Tony directed, sliding you a chair to plop in. "Now, I know you don't like Loki..."

Uh oh. You didn't like where that was heading.

"And Natasha has brought a few suggestions to my attention, along with Steve and Thor helping me concoct the perfect solution."

And here comes the ridiculous idea.

"Which is that while we're all out on another important mission, you have to babysit Loki."

Okay, that was way worse than what you were thinking.


"I prefer the term 'watch,' not 'babysit,'" Loki murmurs, arms crossed.

"No one cares, Reindeer Games," Tony sasses. "You're lucky we're not shoving you back in your cage."

"But-...wha-" you stammer, trying to find your next choice of words.

"Look, we know it doesn't seem practical to leave you two here all alone," Steve mentions, and boy, was that an understatement. "But we need you two to be civilized towards one another at the least, and it's important that it happens as soon as possible, alright?"

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