Chapter Ten

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"You ready, (y/n)?"

"Nope," you reply honestly, clenching and unclenching your fists. "But let's do this anyways."

"Okay," Wanda says, patting your arm. "Just stretch your hand out and try to bring it to the surface."

"I'm gonna end up in an Eleven situation all over again," you murmured, thinking back to that embarrassing moment.

"Don't think like that," your friend urges. "Come on, give it a shot."

Obliging, you lift up your dominant hand and hold it in place, eyes squeezing shut as you wait for something to happen. After a few seconds and no new feeling, you peeked out of one eye before both fly open, frowning when nothing happened.

"Told you," you sighed, plopping down on the ground of the rooftop. "It'll only work if I'm angry or some other emotion spikes."

"Maybe not," Wanda contemplates, moving to sit in front of you. "Let's try something else. You've only seen your powers resurface if you were angry or scared, right?"


"So then if it works like that for the negative, it must be the same for the positive."

"But how are we gonna get me overly happy?" you question.

"We don't have to use a current happiness, that's the beauty of it. Can you think of a time where you were the happiest? Any memory at all."

You thought about it for a moment, lips twitching into a nostalgic smile as it came to mind. "Mhm."

"Good, now close your eyes," she instructs, and you obey, letting them fall shut. "Think about that time for a while. Use the good energy from that moment and try to channel it into something you can use now."

And so, you did.


You were so young then.

Seven years old, in the backyard of your old house, perched atop your dad's shoulder as he spun the two of you around, little giggles of happiness falling from your lips every now and then, your mother watching from the patio, recording the interaction with a fond grin on her face.

"Mama! Come down here!" you called. She put away the phone, making her way down the stairs and over to her two favorite people, your father moving one of his hands from your leg to wrap around his wife, pulling her closer.

"You two seem to be having fun today," she comments with an amused smile.

"Well, I had to get as much time with my princess as I could before I leave tomorrow," James answered, resulting in your hugging his head.

"Papa said we can go get ice cream if you let us," you added, a pleading look on your face. "Please, mom?"

"I don't see why not," Kamilla shrugs, lifting you off your dad's shoulders. "She gets a sugar rush though, you're putting her to bed."

"I can live with that," he laughs, interlacing his hands with hers.


"That's it, there you go," says Wanda, watching as little blue sparks flit from your hands, slowly but surely making progress. "Keep going, you can do it."


Later that night, all three of you were huddled up on the couch after watching one of your favorite movies, laughing and adding commentary along the way.

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