Chapter Nine

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After waiting for so long, with absolutely nothing else from you, everyone slowly began to worry. Even though it had only been an hour, Wanda volunteered to finally go and search for you, firstly looking in your room. As half-expected, you weren't there, but she didn't want to jump to the conclusion that you had suddenly run away, it seemed a bit dramatic for you. Suddenly, an idea popped in Wanda's head; there could only be one other place you would hide where no one would think to look.

So that's where she went.


Through your emotional state, it wasn't hard to hear the loud sound of banging on the door to the loud, mentally fussing at yourself for picking a less predictable hiding spot, knowing it would probably only be a short amount of time before you were searched for, or even better, found.

Or maybe it was your brain thinking ahead for you.

Lifting your head slowly, you blink a couple times, clearing your blurry vision to see Wanda still trying to unlock the door, to no avail.

You'd asked JARVIS to lock the doors, that way no one could get in, and up until you heard the words "override request completed," that advantage went out the window.

Wanda steps inside the lab, allowing you to properly lock eyes with her, and she frowned sadly at the sight. Your eyes were glassy and red rimmed, cheeks stained with tears, you looked like you cried until there were no more tears left, and then some. On top of that, the look of pure fear in your eyes when you saw her, it made her immediately move over to the corner you sat in, sliding down the wall to sit beside you, engulfing you in a tight hug.

"Oh, (y/n)..." she whispers sympathetically.

"I'm sorry, you weren't supposed to know, I'm so sorry," you continued sobbing in her arms, a fresh stream of tears brewing.

"It's okay, it's okay. You're okay, alright?" Wanda assurances continued while she calmed you down, holding her friend in her arms and guided you through every shiver, choked sob, and cough that would escape you.

You don't know exactly how long the two of you stayed that way, but once you'd calmed down a little and your breathing was no longer ragged, you pulled back from the embrace, wiping your eyes.

"I just wanted to be normal for once, Wanda," you sniffed, leaning your head back against the wall with a grimace. "Then I snapped, and I just- I couldn't control it anymore."

"It's alright, (y/n)," Wanda promises. "We're not mad at you, we're just worried about you."

Even though you nodded your head, the thoughts that swarmed your mind agreed on otherwise. They thought you were gonna be kicked out, or even worse, turned it, being considered a dangerous threat.

"Stop that."

You lift an eyelid open to glance at Wanda confusedly. "Stop what?"

"Stop telling yourself that. No one in this Tower is going to get rid of you, nor do they want to. We love you, (y/n), if anything, we're going to help you."

You didn't say anything else after that, only sitting in the blanket of silence as you stared ahead. After a few minutes, you heard more footsteps coming your way, and the next thing you knew, everyone had piled into the lab, looking for you. Tony was front in center, with Pepper beside him, both their arms extended towards you.

"C'mere, kid," Tony urges, and you comply, pushing yourself up off the floor to fall into their embrace, which radiated parental comfort, something you were missing dearly. It made you think back to the days when you were younger, and both your mother and father would hold you while you were upset, never moving, until you calmed down again. That's how you managed to pull away after a while with a smile on your face.

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