❝𝐀 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐆𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠❞

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I stood inside the forbidden part of the factory, even Y/n wasn't allowed to come here. I walked up to my newest invention, the sweet snow machine, the machine which makes sweet powdered snow out of ice and powdered sugar. One of my workers came to tell me that the machine stopped working. 

It's been a while since a machine of mine had actually stopped working, but to my surprise, when I arrived, in front of me was the machine, as dead as it gets. I sighed, rubbing my temples, and put on the working gloves and glasses and white coat. 

With a sigh, I began fixing the machine, just a few bulbs had to be changed in the end, it honestly surprised me, but it wasn't too bad, I quickly fixed it up and noticed something on the counter, a letter, I didn't even want to imagine whom it was from. 

When I opened it, I rolled my eyes, "I should have known..." I sighed. I wasn't too surprised, but this wasn't something I expected this Christmas, "Well, hello Willy..." I heard a voice from behind me. "Father..." I mumbled, "Greetings." I told him, and he chuckled, surprisingly happy. 

"I see you're still keeping me in business." he said. I sighed, "I see." I said. With a sigh, I removed my glasses. "Well, father, you see... I have a soon-to-be wife awaiting me, if you'd like, you may meet her." I told him, to which his eyes widened. "My, it's been a while since you've visited me with Charlie..." he mumbled. 

"Meeting my future daughter-in-law seems like a wonderful idea." he said, I walked beside him as I led him out of the forbidden factory zone and to the saloon where I hoped Y/n still waited. Although it was strange...

My father had not been to the factory, not once, and he somehow stumbled upon my newest invention. It makes me wonder how the hell did he find his way around, but I might be overthinking this as well, there is no way that my father already knows the factory...

I walked up to the saloon with my father, we could see my beloved Y/n holding Violet in her arms, I couldn't help but melt at the sight, this would be the way she'd look when we'd have our own children, I could see it already. She'd look beautiful under the veil. 

She would be a beautiful wife... mother to my children, an independent woman, my business partner if she oh so wished. I could tell my father was watching me look at her, his face seemed to form into a smile at the sight of my beautiful smiling bride-to-be. 

"I see you've found a beautiful woman, she reminds me of your mother..." my father said. I smiled, "I know father... I remember her bar, but Y/n makes it easy to remember her." I told him. "I can see, Y/n is a pretty young lady. I can see why you like her, although she seems to be good with children as well." 

I chuckled. "Indeed she is." I told him, Violet got up from Y/n's lap and Violet made her stand up, the music which played in the background made me sigh in relief, she was as radiant as she finally noticed us standing at the doorway. 

"Willy, I see there was no issue?" she asked, to which I smiled, "Come, dad, come meet the whole family." I said, and he followed inside, "Mr Wonka!" Y/n said with a smile, "Y/n, it is a pleasure to see you again." father said. 

"How are your parents, my girl." he asked her as he sat down beside her on the couch, "My parents have moved out of state, they are supposed to get back sometime soon. We've still got quite a bit to worry about without them here either way." she told him. 

"Ah, I see little Richey is here as well." father said, to which Richard smiled, "Mr Wonka, it is great to see you again." he walked over, and they shook their hands, "You've grown quite a bit." he said. Richard rubbed the back of his neck. "Daddy!" called Violet, standing next to her father. 

"I see you've become a father as well. Hello young lady." he said to Violet, the family seemed to accept father quite well, "Hello, you must be my uncle's dad!" she said happily, Y/n seemed to blush as much as I was blushing, it was almost hilarious. 

"Yes, indeed I am." he told her, "It's nice to meet you!" she smiled and Charlie soon appeared, sitting next to Y/n, "I'm Charlie Bucket, but you already know this, sir." he smiled, and my father returned the smile. "Indeed I do, my boy." he said. 

Finally, Y/n spoke, "Charlie is my godson." she said messing his hair up, the boy chuckled, "I see, you've got quite a family, Willy." father said, turning to me, I smiled nervously, "Indeed I do, we're still planning when we'll have our wedding and all." I told him. 

This was the happiest evening in our lives...

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now