❝𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫❞

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Y/n smiled as she watched her fiancé and his father get along, she didn't even know that the two had seen each other with the help of Charlie, it was quite a story, really. She watched as the tree glowed, finally realizing it was time for family dinner. 

Y/n left the large lounge to see how things were going in the kitchen. In the kitchen Charlie's mother and she had started to finish up with the food, since the dinner time was soon, and the men were probably hungry. Violet too wanted to help, and the two women were more than happy to let her do so. 

The atmosphere was more than delightful, the family was happy, for sure, and the whole spirit of Christmas seemed to be present in the big home of the Wonka family. The music was playing, the children were too. Charlie was helping his mother while Y/n and Violet finished up the roasted beast which was to be carved by the head of the family. 

Y/n walked over to the doorway which connected the kitchen and the living room, "Willy, darling, I don't want to interrupt, but we could have a lovely dinner if Mr Wonka would join us." she smiled at her fiancé's father, and the man chuckled, "I shall stay for dinner indeed." he said to which Y/n just chuckled. 

"Very well then, come to the dinning room, the feast will be grand!" she said, and so they did. The family settled down for the beautiful feast with Wilbur as the head of the family carving the roasted beast for everyone at the table. Violet sat next to her father, and so was everyone seated. The beautiful evening only becoming better for everyone with the arrival of a new guest...

... "Everyone, I would like you to meet someone." said Mr Wonka. Everyone was suddenly quiet, and with only a few steps, a woman appeared in the doorway, her smile as bright as the sun, and eyes shined like stars in the night, her hair was gray, and her eyes were a beautiful chestnut brown, she reminded of Mrs Claus to some extent. It was quite a beautiful sight to see. "Hello everyone!" The woman said cheerfully. Y/n smiled getting up and nudging Willy to get up and greet the woman. Willy came with Y/n to the two, and greeted.

"I am Mrs Melania Burton, it's a real pleasure to meet you." She smiled at the young couple. "Melania this is William, my son, and his bride-to-be, Y/n." He said. The whole family got to greet the lovely lady, and everyone got back around the table, and it was a wonderful thing to see. The whole family was getting together and having a lovely dinner. Music played in the other room as everyone feasted, Willy, on the other hand was busy feeding Y/n and acting all cute-like. "Willy, I can eat on my own."

But Willy didn't let her. Y/n finally gave in and allowed him to feed her. However, soon the fun and dancing came to an ending as the night approached, it was getting late, almost midnight too. Willy couldn't help but hold his precious boo. The two lovers said their farewells and quietly made their way up the old wooden stairwell. Tiptoes against the soft rug, and hands holding hot chocolate mugs, before they went to bed, their chuckles could even wake the dead.

Although, when the couple made their way to their room, the door they slammed behind themselves with a loud boom. Slam and bam, they quietly settled in their bed, snuggling and cuddling with his head on hers, the little marshmallows in the hot chocolate almond milk and some berries, cute littlw cherries. "Merry Christmas, Y/n." He said to thee, she smiled and kissed him deeply, with passion and love.

"Merry Christmas, William." She told him and finished her hot chocolate. The sweet liquid tickled her throat, almost like a beautiful elixir to put her to sleep. Her eyes felt tired, her eyelids weak, all she could do was mumble, not even speak. And as things went on in their own course, naturally, things were not over for the daring couple, only thing that could ruin this moment was far away, away locked, blocked.

Without a care in the world, the couple finished their drinks laying down under the sheets. Their legs entwined, letting their minds unwind, it was sure they did not mind the bare cold, as it was the reason they could be closer together, or so I've been told. The warmth of his body, the same she gave to him, the space between them was very slim.

With a few thick blankets on top, perfect into a bed to hop. Their eyes closed and lips joined, there was nothing left to find annoying... The night was calm and so were they, nothing left to do in the day...

The sun had gone to sleep, and so had they, only the perfect way to end a beautiful family holiday...

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now