i. you're not alone

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Erik extended his hand out, in an attempt to stop a metal submarine racing below him.

He finally found Schmidt—the man who had tortured him and killed his mother for his power—and he was right within his grasp. But alas, he had not accounted for Schmidt's companions. They overpowered him on Schmidt's boat, which Erik successfully snuck into, and threw him overboard. From the water, he used a metal anchor to destroy their boat, causing them to make their escape on the submarine he was trying to catch now.

Erik was, however, failing terribly. The submarine's speed and weight were simply too much for him, and he found himself being dragged along through the water behind it. 

"Let go!" he could faintly hear a voice desperately yell from above, "You have to let it go!"

Erik was too focused on the submarine to pay much mind to what the voice was saying.

"Let it go! You have to let it go!" the voice screamed again.

Erik took in a deep breath as he was submerged in the water, and all the ruckus from above was suddenly muffled. He winced as he strained to keep the submarine in his control. Erik could feel himself losing his breath, but he was too close to stop now.

Suddenly, he heard a muffled splash directly above him and felt two arms wrap around him.

"You can't, you'll drown," he heard the same voice from earlier... but in his head? "you have to let go."

Erik clenched his teeth, he couldn't just let go.. not when he was so close...

"I know what this means to you, but you're going to die. Please, Erik, calm your mind." The voice pleaded with him.

He went limp, allowing himself to be pushed upwards by the person grabbing hold of him. The two broke through the surface, and Erik gasped loudly, trying to take in as much air as he could.

"Get off me," Erik yelled, wrestling himself out of the other man's grip, "get off!"

"Calm down, just please—" the other man tried calming him then screamed to the side, "we're here!"

Erik simply stared at him in confusion, as they both struggled to stay above the large waves.

"Who are you?" 

"My name's Charles Xavier."

"You were in my head! How did you do that?"

"You have your tricks, I have mine. I'm like you, just calm your mind," the man—Charles told him firmly.

"I thought I was alone.." Erik said quietly.

"You're not alone," Charles smiled at him, "Erik, you're not alone."

⋆·˚ ༘ *

Once they were up on the ship Charles was on, a couple of people came handing them towels to dry off. Charles thanked them and they both wrapped the towels around themselves, shivering slightly from the cold.

𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐭, e. lehnsherrWhere stories live. Discover now