v. chocolate chip cookies

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Adria gaped at the mansion in front of her, standing hand-in-hand with her father—who decided to drop the charade

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Adria gaped at the mansion in front of her, standing hand-in-hand with her father—who decided to drop the charade. No matter how much Erik denied it, he had grown to trust the team, and he found that he didn't mind if they knew about Adria being his daughter. 

Alex and Hank weren't shocked in the least when they found out, saying that it was pretty obvious. 

"I mean, you literally act and look the same. Plus, I'm pretty sure I heard you guys speaking to each other in German once!" Alex told them, and the rest of the group agreed, laughing at the two.

Charles had taken them to his house—which he did not mention looked like a palace. Adria had never seen anything like it.

"Woah," she whispered in awe.

"This is yours?" asked Sean, who was just as shocked.

"No, it's ours," Charles turned back, beaming at the group.

"Honestly, Charles, I don't know how you survived," Erik quipped, "living in such hardship."

"Well, it was a hardship softened by me," Raven walked in between the two, Charles pulling her close and placing a kiss on the side of her head.

"Come on, time for the tour," she said

Adria's eyes lit up. The group started walking to the entrance, and she let go of her father's hand, running to the front of the group in excitement.

⋆·˚ ༘ *

"Does your daughter have a mutation?" Charles asked Erik, curiously, "I mean, is your mutation hereditary?"

Adria was with Raven, Sean, Hank, and Alex, continuing the tour of the house. Erik and Charles had managed to slip away halfway through. The two were seated in the drawing room, discussing the training the team would have to undergo in preparation for Shaw.

"I.. don't know," Erik replied, frowning, "I think she does have a mutation, but not the same as mine. I don't think it works that way."

"Why do you think so? Has she used it before?"

"Well.. no, not exactly," Erik said hesitantly. 

Charles raised his eyebrows questioningly. 

Erik sighed deeply, shutting his eyes, "When, uh, when Adria was born, her mother died in childbirth. But.. what happened to her wasn't 'normal'—it was an anomaly. Her body was completely drained of water, and the doctors had no explanation for it. The only possible explanation is that it was a manifestation of Adria's powers."

"I'm so sorry," Charles told him, sincerely.

Erik shrugged, trying to brush it off, but he wasn't fooling anyone. Anyone could see how deeply this affected him, especially the telepath.

𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐭, e. lehnsherrWhere stories live. Discover now