vi. dangerous for a child

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The group of mutants stayed at Charles' mansion for the next couple of days, the adults completing their training while Adria just spent her time being entertained by whoever was free

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The group of mutants stayed at Charles' mansion for the next couple of days, the adults completing their training while Adria just spent her time being entertained by whoever was free. 

One night, Adria even decided to have a "slumber party" with Sean (she just set up a sleeping bag in his room). Alex, who was staying in the room next door, heard their loud laughter and came to set up a sleeping bag there for himself, too. The three stayed up playing board games until Adria got tired and fell asleep. 

Alex forced Adria and Sean to wake up early the next morning to play football in the yard outside. The two grumbled and complained about being woken up and having their beauty sleep interrupted, but Alex was relentless. Raven and Hank joined in afterward, and the game soon turned into a game of hide and seek.

One of the days, Adria was wandering around the halls mindlessly, as everyone else was busy, when she saw Hank, Charles, Sean, and her father at the door. 

"Where are you guys going?" she asked, running to them.

"..I'm gonna fly." 

"Sean's gonna fly!" 

Sean and Hank said at the same time, Sean sounding terrified while Hank sounded excited.

"Can I come?!" Adria asked.

"No," Erik said.

"Why not?" Charles asked him.

"Because we're going to be standing on top of the huge satellite dish, which would be dangerous for a child," he hissed, giving Charles a pointed look.

"Nonsense! She's old enough to know not to fall off, right, Adria?"

"Yeah! Yeah, I promise I won't fall off!" she looked at her father with pleading eyes.

Erik looked at her for a moment, before sighing deeply, "Fine. But, you need to stay next to me the entire time."

"Okay.. yay!"

"You truly believe I'll fly this time?" Sean asked uncertainly.

They were all standing on a platform on top of the giant satellite dish right outside the mansion. Adria's heart was pounding as she looked at the ground far below, they were a lot higher than she thought they'd be. Sean was standing with his wings strapped on, preparing to jump off. 

"Unreservedly," Charles replied firmly.

"I trust you," Sean pointed at him.

"I'm touched."

"I don't trust him," Sean continued, pointing to Hank.

Hank opened his mouth in protest.

"Say nothing," Charles said as he spared a glance at Hank.

𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐭, e. lehnsherrWhere stories live. Discover now