vii. goodbye

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"Hi, Schatzi, wach auf," Adria heard someone say gently

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"Hi, Schatzi, wach auf," Adria heard someone say gently. Hi, Little Treasure, wake up.

She groaned, slowly opening her eyes. She squinted in the sunlight pouring in through the window and saw her father standing above her.

"Wir gehen jetzt," he told her, smiling sadly. We're going now.

Adria frowned as she remembered the events of yesterday, and what was going to happen today. She nodded, getting up slowly.

The group took two cars, first to drop Adria off at a daycare on the way, then to the airbase where a plane was waiting to fly them to Cuba. All Charles' cars were four-seaters or less, so they couldn't all fit into one. Erik, Alex, Sean, and Adria were in one car, while Raven, Moira, and Charles took the other. Hank had apparently gone to the airbase ahead of them, leaving a note behind saying so. They didn't know why he did, but Adria was disappointed. She wanted to say goodbye to Hank and wish him good luck.

The ride to the daycare was tense and mostly silent, everyone worried about what was to come. Sean tried to ease the tension by making small talk and telling jokes to Adria as they sat together in the backseat. But, he was stressed, too. 

After what seemed like forever to Adria, they finally arrived. Both cars came to a halt in front of a quaint building that was painted orange. Everyone exited the cars to say goodbye to Adria. 

"Bye," Moira smiled at her, waving.

Adria waved back.

Alex gave the little girl a hug.

"Good luck!" she told him.

"Thanks.. we'll need it," he chuckled nervously.

The moment he took a step back, Raven pulled her into a bone-crushing hug. 

Raven was in her natural blue form. When Adria had seen her that morning (which was her first time seeing Raven in her natural form), she wasn't disgusted, as Raven expected her to be. Instead, she simply beamed up at the woman saying, "Blue is actually my favorite color! Also, I love your hair! I wish mine was like that."

"See you, Addie," she muttered, placing a kiss to her cheek.

"Bye, Raven, good luck!"

When Raven finally pulled away from the hug, Charles walked forwards, crouching down. He put his hand on her shoulder.

"Be good, okay?"

"Okay," Adria nodded.

"Goodbye, Adria,"  he smiled at her.

"Bye," she smiled back.

Sean came forward, wrapping his arms around her. 

"Bye-bye, Adria."

"Bye-bye, Sean. Good luck," she told him softly.

After everyone said their goodbyes, Erik grasped his daughter's hand as they walked into the building. Inside, he spoke to the woman at the front desk, then turned to Adria. 

𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐭, e. lehnsherrWhere stories live. Discover now