ix. reckless

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Adria stumbled along the road for a while, her ears still slightly ringing. Her vision kept going blurry then refocusing, and her head was pounding. Adria had no idea where she was, she had no way of contacting anyone, and she hadn't seen any other people around so far. She didn't know what to do. She'd be freaking out and breaking down right now if she wasn't so out of it.

Adria winced as the pain in her head flared up. She stopped walking, fighting off the dizziness and trying hard not to throw up again.

She needed to get home— now.

She squeezed her eyes shut and continued walking.

Sometime later, Adria saw something up ahead. She got closer, realizing in a rush of relief that it was a gas station. She quickened her pace, instantly regretting it as the throbbing at her temples intensified. She swallowed and kept going.

Adria walked into the gas station and saw that there was a payphone right outside of the convenience store. A breath of relief escaped her lips.

Once inside the phone booth, she fished out some coins and placed them in the designated slot. Adria dialed the number she had memorized by heart since she was little. She leaned on the glass, holding the phone up to her ear listening to the line ring. 

After what seemed like forever, Adria felt her eyelids begin to droop as she waited for someone to pick up.

"Hello? "

Adria perked up. Finally!


"Adria? " Hank asked, surprised, "What— where are you? "

"I-I don't know," Adria's voice was shaky. Hearing Hank's voice had somehow reminded her of the gravity of the situation and she was freaking out. "I don't know where I am, I'm... I'm hurt and I don't know what to do, I—"

"Hey, hey," Hank cut her off gently, "it's okay, you're okay. Just.. can you see any signs or anything around you? "

Tears pricked her eyes.

"Um.. I'm—I'm at a gas station," she scanned the station, her eyes landing on a sign with the name of the street, and read it out to Hank.

"Okay, I'm coming to get you, just stay where you are."

"Yeah— okay," she nodded, knowing full well that Hank couldn't see her.

Adria placed the phone back. She pressed her forehead against the glass, screwing her eyes shut.

"Adria! What happened?!"

Hank found Adria sitting on the curb right outside the gas station. He grabbed her face inspecting the blood on her forehead.

𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐭, e. lehnsherrWhere stories live. Discover now