ii. leaving?

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The group that pulled up to the base was odd, to say the least.

It was comprised of two government agents, a young shapeshifting woman, a telepathic professor, a vengeful man who controls metal, and a child.

Adria was walking in between Charles and Erik, resisting the urge to clutch her father's hand as they walked up to the doors of the building. Erik asked her to refrain from holding his hand or calling him Papa and such when around any of the government agents, explaining to her that they were not to be trusted.

Because of that, she was quite weary of the two agents they came here with. On the other hand, she loved Raven. The shapeshifter spent the entire car ride using her power to entertain the little girl, her giggles filling the car every time Raven turned into something new.

Adria wasn't paying much attention as the group drawled on about the facility, mutants, and some guy named "Shaw Schmidt".

Once inside, they all gazed up at a huge prototype of a plane hanging from the ceiling, Adria's mouth hanging open.

They met a young man in a lab coat named Hank McCoy, and he showed them his.. monkey feet? Adria wasn't sure, but she thought they were pretty awesome.

"Sorry," he whispered, pushing past Charles, below to the prototype.

Adria let out a huge gasp as Hank jumped, and hung from the prototype with his feet.

Everyone laughed in awe.

"Cool," she whispered in wonder.

"You're amazing," Raven walked up to him, beaming.

Hank laughed, "really?"

⋆·˚ ༘ *

That night, Adria was keeping herself busy with her coloring book in her and Erik's shared room. She had been provided with her own room, but Erik didn't feel comfortable letting her stay on her own in a place such as this. He left the room about half an hour ago, saying he'd return in a bit.

Adria was lying on her stomach on the bed and sticking her tongue out in concentration as she tried to color within the lines when the door suddenly burst open.

"Adria, Du musst deine Sachen packen, schnell, okay?" he asked urgently. Adria, I need you to pack your things, fast, okay?

The little girl nodded quickly and got up, shutting her book and gathering her colored pencils-she knew the drill. She rushed to stuff them in her backpack, in which she had a spare change of clothes, a pair of pajamas, and some toiletries.

Adria paused for a moment, her stomach dropping. She realized that they were leaving Charles and Raven... Hank, too. It had been just her and Erik for so long, and so she normally didn't have any issue with leaving certain places. But now, she felt her heart twist with the realization.

Her eyes welled up with tears, "müssen wir gehen, Papa?" Do we have to go, Papa?

"Ja, tun wir. Es tut mir Leid, Schatzi," he cupped the side of her face, frowning. Yes, we do. I'm sorry, Little Treasure.

Adria nodded in defeat.

Adria and Erik walked out of the facility hand-in-hand; the former with a blue, glittery backpack on her back, and the latter carrying a brown suitcase.

"What I know about you," a voice noted, "I'm surprised you've managed to stay this long."

The two turned to see Charles standing behind them.

"What do you know about me?" Erik asked the man.

"Everything," Charles smiled at him, as if he knew something Erik didn't.

"Then you know to stay out of my head."

Erik turned away and started walking again, pulling Adria along with him.

"I'm sorry, Erik, but I've seen what Shaw did to you." Erik stopped again. "I felt your agony. I can help you."

Adria looked up at her father, she knew he was conflicted. She found herself desperately hoping that he would say yes.

"I don't need your help."

Adria shut her eyes, sighing in disappointment.

"Don't kid yourself, you needed my help last night. It's not just me you're walking away from. Here, you have the chance to be a part of something much bigger than yourself. I won't stop you leaving. I could... but I won't"

"Papa, please," Adria pleaded.

"Shaw's got friends," Charles said as he walked back into the building, "you could do with some."

Erik looked at his daughter who was pouting up at him, then down to the ground as he weighed his options.

note !

i was searching for german terms of endearment when i found that most parents call their children "schatzi" which literally translates to little treasure and i just thought that was the cutest thing ever?? so ofc i had to make that something erik calls adria bc <33

also sorry this chapter's a bit short, the next one's gonna be longer, i promise!

thank you for reading !

𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐭, e. lehnsherrWhere stories live. Discover now