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Autumn 1987
A year after the Vecna's downfall

Trigger warnings: scars and mentions of Steve being an ass in school but not much.

Content Warning: smut, alcohol, and bribery

Many things occurred to Steve Harrington as he got everything ready for the afternoon . First was that he wasn't sure if he was allowed to sneak into the school's gym. And second was that he wasn't sure if Eddie owned a pair of shorts.

It was his turn in their activity deal, and he was unsure of how this one was going to go. That didn't make him any less excited though, he still thinks it'll be a good time.

He packed two whole duffel bags and placed them in his car's trunk. After those were in the car he just had to wait so he walked back in the house. He had an early morning shift, and Eddie had an afternoon one.

Steve nearly went to call Robin. He didn't want to spend hours pacing his empty house, parents were going to be gone for months this time. It was late September and they wouldn't be back until December. He wasn't upset about them being gone.

Before he could pick the phone up to call, it was ringing. He briefly wondered if Robin was psychic.

"STEVE" Robin's voice filled his ear. "You will not believe the mess your children made at the store."

He groaned, he loved the kids but sometimes they forget they were all about sixteen years old. "Which ones and how?"

"All of them except Erica. Will was the least destructive one, he just placed a movie in the wrong spot and then felt bad and fixed it. The others messed it up and lot and now I have to rearrange. I put them in the corner now pick them up!"

"Fine," he groaned and grabbed his car keys again. "But why am I always the one having to get them?"

"Because you're the dingus who adopted them."

And then she hung up.
"Listen up you little buttheads, I had worked an early shift and only been him for an hour and half when Robin called me to come back here." Steve was pacing in front of them with his hands on his hips.

Dustin, Will, Mike, Max, El, Lucas, and Charlie all were sitting crisscrossed on the floor looking up. Most of them had the decency to look guilty.

"Now you are lucky you didn't damage anything, you are not babies anymore. So you are going to fix whatever you messed up or there will be no HellFire Club next week. Do I make myself clear?"

There were some vague noises of agreement, Steve noticed Will's eyes were really wide. He felt slightly bad but figured it would be a good motivator.

"I said do I make myself clear?"

"Yes." They said and started to get up to put movies back where they belonged. It was honestly not as bad as Robin made it sound, they just put movies in the wrong spot and Mike did something with the cardboard cut out. Steve didn't want to know.

"Robin," he heard Dustin complain, "you were supposed to call Eddie not Steve."

That made Steve snort, especially when Robin replied "I did! He's at work and his uncle had to answer."

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