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It was the year 2010 when a young girl in the age of 14 arrived at St. Freya.
Her name was Satomi and to earn money for her family, she choosed to become a Valkyire.
But now she has to start in a school full of new people from all across the world.
"Everyone, i would like to introduce you to the new student. Come in!"
Himeko said and the door to the classroom opend.
A 1,58 cm tall girl with pure white hair and blue eyes entered the classroom.
She was wearing the school uniform, exept that she wore white snickers instead of the uncomfortable shoes which where usually part of the Uniform.
The girl walked to Himeko's side and stood beside her in silence.
She looked directly at the class and somehow found the braveness to say
"G-Good morning, I'm Satomi Geto and i would like it if we all come along."
The girl spoke a bit shy but loud.
The class smiled at her warmly.
Everyone seemd so warm and nice.
"Good. We have some free places so choose where you want to sit." Himeko said. Satomi looked around and spotted four empty seats.
She headed to a free place in the back but a girl in her age pulled her hand as she was walking to the back.
"Sit beside me." She whispered and smiled.
Satomi was way too shy to say no, so she just sat down beside the girl.
"I am Elham." The girl said.
Satomi blushed a bit seeing the girl's face.
Elham had a beautifull tanned face.
She was also wearing the unifrom of the school. She had long, black hair and dark brown eyes. It looked like she was as tall as Satomi herself.
Satomi stared at Elham and was a bit jealous of the wonderfull black hair. She was alway bullied for having white hair like an old woman and Satomi's hair was way shorter, a classic uniform cut to be more specific.
Elham looked Satomi in the eyes.
Shit, she noticed that Satomi was starring.
Satomi quickly turned her head and packed out some stuff to take notes. She focused on the explenation Himeko was giving about a strategy.
Satomi stayed focused for the rest of the lesson with only a few short looks at Elham's dark hair and wonderfull skin.

The lesson ended and it was time for combat lesson.
The class left the room and walked to the training fields.
Elham used the time to speak with Satomi.
"Hey Sato~" she said and got closer to Satomi.
"H-Hello, Elham." Satomi said shy.
"You where starring at me quiet often. Do i have so much charm that even girls fall in love with me?" She asked with a sweet voice.
"N-No, i was just checking if my notes where right." Satomi said despite the fact that she barely noted something down.
"If you say so." Elham said with a bright smile.
Satomi looked away. Finaly they reached the training field where none other than the principal herself was waiting for them.
"Good morning class. I will be your teacher for today since your usual teacher fell sick."
The principal, Theresa, said.
And the training was hard.
50 push ups, 50 sit ups and then 50 squads.
Then fighting exercise, in either hand to hand combat or fighting against Honkai beasts and then for the end a 5 kilometer run.
Satomi didn't knew how she survived this training.
She layed on the cold floor.
"Don't worry, it get's easyer." Elham stood over her. In her hand was a bottle of water. Poor Satomi didn't knew this was just the start of the combat class.
Satomi sat up and Elham handed her the water bottle over.
"Thanks." Satomi shortly said.
"By the way, i saw that we two are togheter in a dorm." Elham smiled kind.
"That's cool! I have the feeling we will be good friends!" Satomi said.
Her shyness from the last lesson was already gone.
It kinda felt like she knew Elham since forever.

Theresa was looking at the sweating students. They where unusally exausted.
The principal looked up to the sky to see the pure blue sky with the sun shinging down and no cloud above their heads.
It was clearly a bit too hot to continue the combat exersice and the following lessons of the day.
"Atention everyone!" Theresa said.
The students looked to her.
Elham reached out her hand to help Satomi stand up.
She took it gladly and then, the two focused on what their principal had to say.
"It's too hot today! School is over!"
The principal shortly said and the faces of the kids lighted up.
"Let's go before she changes her mind."
Elham took Satomi's hand and ran away with her to the dorms.
Satomi felt truely happy.

The two grew close to eachother.
They studiet togheter, drank slushies togheter, where eating togheter and always stick togheter. Whatever Satomi was doing, Elham was at her side and whatever Elham was doing, Satomi was at her side.
In not even a year, they where like siblings.
But this Honkai infected world isn't always allowing friendship between two warriors.

"What do you mean, Satomi!?"

"Elham! Behind you!"

"Satomi! Don't die!"

"Tell my parents..."

"I am none other than the Valkyire killer himself."

Author's note:
Phew finaly done with the Pre-Prolouge thing.
I wanted to make this first chapter as an introduction and im writing all this completly out of the blue.
This chapter feels so strange.
But the characters will get more intresting, promise from the Author!
Please don't be mad at my english and i would be happy if you guys tell me what was good and what not was.
Also, the next chapter will start with a timeskip to the main story line.
I don't know which chapter it will be bit don't be too shocked if we are suddenly in the events of chapter eleven or something.
Or maybe i will make a small timeskip to a smaller arc that i plan right now.
I also love the Jujutsu Kaisen Manga and Attack on titan.
So my dear readers (If someone even reads that).

Stay ready for chapter 1!

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